Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Thirsty Work

The image above comes from an amazing online museum of vintage Soviet anti-alcoholism posters. I can't help wishing today's propaganda had half as much aesthetic appeal!

Link via Near Near Future.


Eli said...

Okay, admittedly I'm not a drinker or an alcoholic, but I'm not really sure I'd find that picture a deterrent if I was...

It is very cool, though.

V said...

Okay, I look at that and see a head-shaped medicine cabinet full of aftershave. I'm not sure what that says about me psychologically...

But no, it doesn't really have a "don't be an alcoholic" vibe.

robin andrea said...

oh, don't let any one look inside my head like that. the fumes alone would knock you over, and not just alchohol. and the visuals are enough to get tim leary high.

dread pirate roberts

Anonymous said...

I love it. It looks like Hugh Lofting's Dr Doolittle drawings kinda.