Sunday, October 17, 2004

How It Looks to a Contemporary

That the Cheneys are guilty of nurturing Rampant Lesbianism at their own hearth hadn't gone unnoticed by the Religious Right, even before John Kerry's Unspeakable Act. Here's one take on the situation, written on September 3, 2004 by R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky:

"Setting aside the convoluted and confusing nature of Mr. Cheney's comments [what in the world did he mean by stating that all persons should be free 'to enter into any kind of relationship they want to'?], we are still left with the fact that the vice president rooted his opposition to a Federal Marriage Amendment in the experience of his daughter. He made no reference to moral principle. He offered no extended argument acknowledging the moral issues at stake. He simply asserted the fact that he and his wife 'have a gay daughter, so it's an issue that our family is very familiar with.'

"We should expect Mr. and Mrs. Cheney to love both of their daughters. But love requires truth-telling, not the acceptance of all behavior or 'lifestyles.' In the end, the vice president's comments may not reflect much about the Bush administration's policy on this issue. But following a pattern now all too familiar, his comments do say a great deal about his willingness to abandon the moral imperative to defend marriage in light of his daughter's own experience.


"We must name moral relativism for what it is - even when it comes Republican-style."

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