Friday, April 01, 2005

Time-Wasting Hints

I just stumbled on this silly online "comic strip," which combines random images from the Internets with snippets of rather opaque text.

Grafik Dynamo is a net art work by Kate Armstrong & Michael Tippett that loads live images from blogs and news sources on the web into a live action comic strip. The work is currently using a feed from LiveJournal. The images are accompanied by narrative fragments that are dynamically loaded into speech and thought bubbles and randomly displayed.
If you click on "Launch," the panels will update automatically. It doesn't often work...but when it does, it's pretty captivating. I'm ashamed to say how much time I spent staring at it this morning.

Wordnews analyzes headlines from a variety of wire services, and displays keywords in different sizes according to how often they appear. The effect is more than a little unsettling. Link via Near Near Future.

Last, I don't know how I missed this Scopitones site! I'm a big fan of these ridiculous video-jukebox films from the 1960s, and the site is beautifully designed and exhaustively researched. You can watch one of my all-time favorite Scopitones by clicking here.

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