Saturday, September 03, 2005

George Bush Kills His Own People

First off, let's discuss the concept of "mandatory evacuation." Here's a quote from a Washington Post article dated September 15, 2004:

The local officials said they could not order a mandatory evacuation in a city as poor as New Orleans, in which more than 100,000 residents have no cars, but they urged people to find some way to escape.
As far as I know, that statement was just as true on August 27, 2005. And telling people to leave is not the same thing as helping them to leave.

In the last few days, I've often been told that no one had any idea how bad this storm was going to be. That comes as a surprise to me; I sat up obsessively 'til 4 AM on the morning of the 29th, reading every scrap of news or gossip I could find. Everything I'd heard in the media, from the 27th on, led me to believe that New Orleans was going to be completely submerged.

Bush, of course, lied when he said that no one foresaw the levees being breached. Much proof for this has been offered by bloggers, and even by some major media. But even if that proof didn't exist, there was no good reason to consider the levees impregnable, and every reason to consider them vulnerable. Bush's statement says more about the ease and fluidity with which he can lie, even - or especially - in moral circumstances that would bring a normal human being to the breaking point, than it does about the sturdiness of New Orleans' levees.

Why didn't FEMA function properly? Because it wasn't supposed to. What Republicans like to do is infiltrate public agencies and loot them, and then run them into the ground in order to prove that government programs don't work. And that's what BushCo did to FEMA. They got rid of a competent administrator, and replaced him with people who had no experience whatsoever in disaster response (unless you count defending George W. Bush against political inconveniences).

A Scientific American article from October 2001, entitled Drowning New Orleans, explains some of the things that the Bush administration could've accomplished in Southern Louisiana over the last four years, had it comprised sane and honest people:
If Congress and President George W. Bush hear a unified call for action....Restoring coastal Louisiana would protect the country's seafood and shipping industries and its oil and natural-gas supply. It would also save America's largest wetlands, a bold environmental stroke. And without action, the million people outside New Orleans would have to relocate. The other million inside the bowl would live at the bottom of a sinking crater, surrounded by ever higher walls, trapped in a terminally ill city dependent on nonstop pumping to keep it alive.

Funding the needed science and engineering would also unearth better ways to save the country's vanishing wetlands and the world's collapsing deltas. It would improve humankind's understanding of nature's long-term processes--and the stakes of interfering, even with good intentions. And it could help governments learn how to minimize damage from rising seas, as well as from violent weather, at a time when the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts more storms of greater intensity as a result of climate change.
There's no point asking why Bush did none of these things; we know him well enough now to know that it would be shocking if he found any of these ideas compelling enough to compete with the voluptuous pleasure of big tax cuts, and the vicarious thrill of torturing and maiming and killing Iraqis.

But why did Bush wait so long to respond? Force of habit, perhaps; he certainly displays a pattern of hiding from crises. Or maybe, as some have suggested, he was hoping that public anger would turn against Louisiana Democrats if services weren't forthcoming. To say that Bush thinks in moral terms would be insane; there's no evidence that everyday Americans have any reality to him as ends in themselves, rather than as means to his ends.

What's obvious - what no reasonable person can deny, and what even suprememly unreasonable people like Newt Gingrich understand - is that for all BushCo's talk of "homeland security," nothing has been done in the last four years to improve response time and efficiency in a disaster, whether natural or man-made. If you can't evacuate people after a hurricane - a hurricane that you watched travel towards you at twelve miles an hour - you can't evacuate them after a dirty bomb detonated with no warning. Any terrorist who is thinking of attacking us must be delighted to learn that Bush's incompetence will act as an awe-inspiring force multiplier.

It's often claimed that George W. Bush has asked for no sacrifices in this time of war. On the contrary, he's asked us to sacrifice our humanity and our compassion. He's asked us to sacrifice our privacy and freedom, and our respect for our fellow citizens. He's asked us to sacrifice every irreducible ideal - and there were few enough of them, God knows - on which this country was founded, and whatever fragile steps we've taken towards implementing them under the law. He's asked us to sacrifice any religious truth that would interfere with the dreary, mechanical pursuit of redundant wealth and false security. He's asked us to sacrifice our souls and our conscience, in exchange for his snake-oil promise that we'll never have to suffer the consequences of our own inhumanity. He's asked us to sacrifice our present for his future, and our future for his present.

Bush admits that he didn't respond appropriately to this disaster, and we know that this failure - if it was a failure, and not a policy, or a whim - killed people by the hundreds, if not thousands or tens of thousands. In a "civilized" country, Bush would've resigned in disgrace by now. In an "uncivilized" country, he and his goldbricking cronies at FEMA would be hanging by the neck from lamp-posts. But only in a soulless country - one that's turned its back, essentially, on itself - could there be any possibility of letting him remain in power.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant, thoughtful post and bitterly, bitterly sad peace M

Palimpsester said...

Telling and true. The opportunity costs and unintended results of this war on Iraq are ghastly.


Isabella di Pesto said...

Beautifully written with righteous rage, Phila. I'm sending this around to everyone on my email list.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Great post, well deserving of links across the blogosphere.

Michael Hoag said...

I don't think it's too hard to see why they waited to act.

Even as the presidents defenders dismiss every desperate cry for help as a political attack, they GOP is moving quickly to use the disaster to wring every last drop of political gain from this tragedy.

They are using their power to funnel disaster money to faith based initiatives, and to further cripple the "weird socialism" of public education and social programs by directing their already dangerously depleated funds to disaster relief-- all while rushing aide to the 7000 richest american estates in the form of another huge tax cut. America mourns, but the religious right praises Katrina as gods just vengence, and the GOP grins as they make haste to drown the last remaining threads of American government in the floodwaters of the Mississippi.

They were counting on this disaster. They just didn't know how upset Americans would be. "come on, they're only blacks!"

Phila said...


I agree. It all boils down to opportunism, in the end.

Phila said...


True. But from him, that's as close as we're ever going to get to a confession. And God knows he wouldn't even have said that if he could've avoided it. If he wants to make it plain that his FEMA appointees, or his shiny new DHS, are actually to blame, he's welcome to post a clarification here.

Michael Hoag said...

Yes, it does-- but will we see these dots connected in the media?

It sure does look like 911! They seem to use every disaster they can to promote their unrelated conservative dream agenda.

I teach at a community college, and here is the complete list of charitable organizations that was sent to our school from FEMA:

American Red Cross,
* Operation Blessing,
* America's Second Harvest,
* Adventist Community Services, .
* Catholic Charities, USA,
* Christian Reformed World Relief Committee,
* Church World Service, .
* Convoy of Hope,
* Lutheran Disaster Response,
* Mennonite Disaster Service,
* McCormick Tribune Foundation,
* Nazarene Disaster Response,
* Presbyterian Disaster Assistance,
* Salvation Army,
* Southern Baptist Convention -- Disaster Relief,
* United Methodist Committee on Relief,

They use their power to funnel money to their favorite organizations, then, right on que, the AM radio crowd starts spreading the "good news" of katrina: the BOLD victory of the President's faith based initiatives in caring for the disaster stricken. What sick fucks.

Phila said...

Toby, in case you're wondering why I deleted your comment, it's because I get more than enough of you over at Eschaton, and don't have any desire to waste my time on your pronouncements over here.

Anyone who reads this blog is already familiar with the claim you made, and everyone in the country will become even more familiar with it as BushCo's own versions of Baghdad Bob attempt to turn it into truth through sheer force of repetition. We see it constantly at Eschaton, and no one who posts it ever responds honestly to disconfirming evidence.

I'm happy to debate intelligent people who disagree with me, as earlier threads will attest. But I know from long, hard experience that you don't qualify for this consideration.

But keep posting, if you want. If I see something from you that constitutes an actual argument - instead of half-digested talking points - I may let it stand, or even answer it. But you're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than this.

Anonymous said...

Chertoff and Brown need to be fired and Bush needs to be impeached.

But I won't be holding my breath.

greatwhitebear said...

An excellent post! I am so discouraged with this country I am trying to figure our how to get the Canadians to let me in.

Eli said...

Dang. Great and horrible stuff, Phila.

Not only did they clearly not give a shit, but they apparently assumed that either no-one else would give a shit either, or that the media would just give them a pass on this like they do everything else. Indeed, that seems to be a common theme - that the Republicans do shit that no sane person would ever do if they thought there was a chance in hell of getting caught. Which tells you a lot about the media, IMO.

Be interesting to see what else they can do with this, though. You can't declare war on anyone based on a hurricane (although I wouldn't be surprised if they tried with Venezuela), and you can't deprive people of civil liberties in the name of hurricane prevention.

But hey, I'm sure they'll find something, and I'm sure they'll accuse the Democrats of saying that deadly hurricanes just need understanding and therapy...

Engineer-Poet said...

About three months ago, I asked if the Bush administration's misconduct was bad enough to constitute treason.  I think the question has now been answered in the affirmative.

If we have any sanity as a nation, we will have Bush, Cheney, Rove, Delay, Frist and a host of others on trial for their lives before 2010.  If justice prevails, many of them will wind up in front of firing squads.  They are traitors to every icon of liberty, standard of decency, and ideal of truth that this country stands for.

(Clinton's sliminess disgusted me, but I had no idea how bad things could be until Bush.)

Phila said...


I couldn't agree more. And I had serious problems with Clinton, too. In retrospect, I didn't know when I was well off.

JMS said...

Powerfull post. I borrowed your conclusion.

Engineer-Poet said...

Ethnic cleansing?  I didn't realize that hurricanes could be racist.

This looks like more of a political thing, where Bush won't do anything that might make a Democratic mayor or governor look good.  And the mayor was definitely out of his depth; the neat rows of buses that sat waiting for the water to rise proved that neither he nor anybody in his hierarchy had a clue.  But using the term "ethnic cleansing" in reference to New Orleans is so absurd compared to Bosnia and Rwanda that anyone who does so has to have taken leave of their senses.

Use "malign neglect".  It has the virtue that it's accurate and still quite pejorative.

Phila said...

But using the term "ethnic cleansing" in reference to New Orleans is so absurd compared to Bosnia and Rwanda that anyone who does so has to have taken leave of their senses.

I think the comment referred to the deliberate (?) witholding of aid, not to the hurricance itself, though I probably shouldn't be speaking for someone else.

One needn't to compare it to Bosnia or Rwanda. One simply needs to compare it to the concept and intent of ethnic cleansing.

Whether it's accurate is another matter. But one needn't be a lunatic to make the accusation. (At least, I don't think so.) The term "malign neglect" is a good one, but it does beg certain questions, IMO.

Phila said...


Whence the assumption that these buses had people to drive them, and that there was room for an extra 300 schoolbuses on the unbelievably congested highways leading out of NO? Do we even know who had the keys? Was it a private company, or a city company?

I'm neither for nor against Nagin. But this was a national emergency, and it called for a federal - and probably a militarized - response. Nagin's ultimately irrelevant, IMO. In a national emergency, the president needs to make sure things are getting done properly and on time. If there's a lack of leadership locally, the president and his representatives must fill that void.

We spent a fortune on a new bureaucracy that was supposed to identify and remedy vulnerabilities. Given that this was the most predictable of disasters, concrete plans should've been in place at the federal level long before Nagin came along. You need a fail-safe system with back-up and redundancy; it's just common sense.

Engineer-Poet said...

They were the city's school buses.  If the keys weren't in them, the police could have ransacked the offices until they found them.

Apparently, it's common knowledge that a heavy rain means you drive your car up to one of the higher parts of town and park it there so it won't get flooded.  About 80% of the city's population was already gone, taking their cars with them; there was room galore on those streets.  How did the city's employees not clue in to the fact that all those buses needed to be moved for later use?

Heck, the buses could have left town before the storm.  There were thousands of people who probably would have left but had no transportation.  220 buses * 50 seats/bus = 11,000 people moved out of harm's way, and the buses would have been out of harm's way too.

As for who would drive them... the first bus of refugees to arrive at the Astrodome was driven by a kid off the street.  In a pinch, anyone who can drive will do.

Phila said...


You're saying the buses should've been driven to a higher part of town? I can't go along with that. 11,000 people descending on any neighborhood is a disaster, especially when there's no plan in place for taking care of them. And how do you decide who gets on the buses, and who gets left behind? That's something you need troops form most likely, because otherwise, things could get ugly very quickly.

This was a systemic failure. The possibility - and it is only a possibility, to the best of our knowledge - of making some half-assed maneuvers with schoolbuses is not really as pertinent as the top-down failures. A plan should've been in place, period.

Phila said...

Now that I have a couple extra minutes, I want to get back to this bus issue, because it really typifies how debased and irrelevant political discussions tend to be in this country.

We can assume that all these buses were available and in good working order, and that there was enough gas for them, and that they got enough gas mileage to make it to wherever they needed to go, and that seats could be awarded in a fair and orderly fashion, and that they had someplace to go where the passengers would have sufficient food, shelter, and water for as long as they needed it.

That's a lot of assuming. But it's also beside the point. It doesn't matter what resources you have, especially in a crisis. What matters is whether there's an existing plan that allocates those resources and assigns responsibility for them. Without a plan, a city in a state of emergency is inevitably going to fail to function properly.

I'll expand on these thoughts in an actual post, I think.

Anonymous said...


Quatloos! - EXHIBIT: Fake Nations
Apparently, some fraud artists have realized this, and there ... Allegedly off the Marshall Islands lies the Kingdom of Enen ... Enenkio Page. Principality of New Utopia

National Geographic magazine: Forum @
... international drug cartels, terrorists, bank fraud or ... EnenKio Documents ... with the view that preservation of such relics, lies ...

Money Laundering and Financial Crimes
... of criminal activity, including money laundering, other financial crimes as well as tax fraud and ... Additionally, a global website could track fraudulent OFCs such as The Kingdom of EnenKio Atoll, the ...

The CyberNation of Freedom's Message Board
IRAQ,HAWAII,ENENKIO LIES - HAWAII ENENKIO NATIONS 21:17:23 5/01/04 ( 6) ... STOP UNITED STATES LIES, FRAUD AND MIS-INFORMATION - budabob 17:39:44 6 ... The gov'ment don't help. - bobbapink 13:50:13 7/30/00 ( 0)

... international drug cartels, terrorists, bank fraud or ... EnenKio Documents ... you'll quickly see where the plot actually lies. You ...

Christian Nation Declaration Debate Room
Dressing up myths and lies in well known rules like ... international drug cartels, terrorists, bank fraud or ... EnenKio Documents ...

richard€™s ramblings€ » Those Stupid Americans€
While promoting itself an emerging Pacific Island nation, EnenKio ... True Lies (Arabic), Collateral Damage (Columbian), Spider-Man ... 7 have been arrested for fraud ..19 have been accused of writing ...

Talk:Micronation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
... of a micronation; where the actual discussion lies is the ... No one can ... If Enenkio has to be a fraud, then also every micronation that claims any ...

... only pubmed related sales san two vhs cheap climate estate gov ... encontre encounter endangered ended endo endothelial enenkio eneos ... fragment framedat frameoto frames francis frank frau fraud fre ...

The Ironist: Huh?
As to allegations of fraud and :constitutional . violation ... no jurisdiction over Eneen-Kio Atoll, which lies over ... EnenKio Documents. ...

The Ironist: It was birthday...

Arne Herløv Petersen's Bookmarks
Conquest Book Lies About 1932-33 Ukraine Famine" "The Hoax of the ... Psychology of Risk, Speculation and Fraud by Linda Davies ... - Official website for searching the U.S.

Anonymous said...

If I told you I would probley be killed. George Bush is making money on the war in Iraq. The Goverment should look into his account's in #I cant tell you or I will die. But I have proof And I will give them to the people of the United State's of America.
In time he will hang himself.

Anonymous said...



November 7, 2000: Honolulu, USA --

TO: Honolulu Advertiser; Honolulu Star Bulletin

FROM: EnenKio Ministry of Foreign Affairs

REPLY: Mr. Moore is prohibited from talking to you by order of the United States Security & Exchange Commission (hereafter "SEC"). The action against Mr. Moore is an unprovoked attack against a private citizen of the United States, not against an official representative of the Kingdom of EnenKio. The following reply is therefore issued in observance of the sovereign authority of the government of EnenKio to confront disinformation and to provide the whole truth.

You are advised that the SEC has not charged the Kingdom of EnenKio with anything. The SEC has no jurisdiction over the Kingdom of EnenKio, a sovereign Pacific Island state. The SEC argument is made solely against Mr. Moore and his personal business affairs. Please be VERY clear about this.

Despite heavy scrutiny, the SEC has proved nothing and there were no findings of fact as a result of exhaustive SEC investigations. In other words, SEC has NO proof of wrongdoing by the Kingdom of EnenKio or by any person acting in their official capacities as representatives of the Kingdom of EnenKio.

The only thing the SEC accomplished was to prove its arrogance and ignorance, first by circumventing lawful processes and then by bullying up on a single individual veteran-of-war who proudly served the USA. Mr. Moore has spent over 20 years trying to help defenseless Marshallese families over whom the USA has historically dominated, disenfranchised, subverted and literally poisoned with nuclear weapons testing.

Lastly, EnenKio has never gotten a fair shake from the media.... ever. They generally have an agenda that fails to honor truth in reporting, but promotes the dissemination of ad copy by sensationalizing events rather than embracing impartial disclosure of factual information. When we choose to respond to the recent attacks on the credibility of our national sovereignty, we will do so in full at our site. Much is there now if one can keep an open mind. We haven't found that to be in existence in the media.... yet.

Reply to:

Anonymous said...

Prev Next Normal view To:,
From: Enenkio Kingdom
Subject: CORRECTING BUSH LIES is N O T SPAM ... wiki A S S ... ( D E M A N D PROVE IT OR REMOVE IT ) --- S T O P ! UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIES FRAUD MISINFORMATION BUSH SPOOKS ASSKISSERS ---- News Archives - PREVIOUS NEWS RELEASES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS July 28, 1999: Replies to Asia Times July 22, 1999: News Release - Gold Bonds June 4, 1999: Replies to Published Articles June 3, 1999: Replies to Published Articles June 2, 1999: Replies to Published Articles June 1, 1999: News Release, Reply to RMI, Part 1 June 1, 1999: News Release, Reply to RMI Part 2 March 16, 1999: News Release, Selection of Second Monarch March 1999 -- MoFA Comments on "State of War" December 19, 1998: News Release, Death of First Monarch July 14, 1998: Communiqu?, Replies to False Claims May 4, 1997: News Release, Gold Stamps March 31, 1997: News Release, Declaration of existence of a virtual "State of War" February 6, 1995: News Release, Setting the Record Straight November 21, 1994: News Release, Declaration of Claim Demand for Payment RETURN TO NEWS Previous News Releases and Announcements Their statements are set forth in italicized orange type; our replies are in black type. June 4, 1999- Sirs: The following text was located on a site written or placed by you or under your control: "DOM is located on Karitane Island and now includes the Taongi Atoll in the Northern Atolls of the Marshall Islands in the South Pacific 1000 miles south of Tahiti. However, the Marshall Islands government has condemned the "fraudulent assertions" of two organizations, namely the DOM and sister nation, the Kingdom of EnenKio (the Marshallese name for Wake Island), claiming to represent the mid-Pacific nation amid an alleged investment scam according to an article in Agence France- Presse. The Marshall Islands foreign ministry has issued warnings to countries against acknowledging any fraudulent claims made by representatives of either nation." "A Honolulu-based attorney created the "Kingdom of EnenKio" in the early 1990s. It was based on a power of attorney agreement with Marshall Islands paramount chief Mursel Hermios, which granted the attorney broad powers to act on his behalf. The Marshall Islands High Court has ruled the agreement invalid and ordered it nullified, which the "kingdom" has disputed." (disconnected as of 2/1/00) The purpose of this letter is lodge a formal request for correction of false and misleading statements made by the author regarding the Kingdom of EnenKio. While I am pleased to find you have apparently taken a serious interest in the Kingdom of EnenKio, I am aghast at how distorted, erroneous and misleading the article is. As a consequence of my service to His Majesty King Remios and the people of EnenKio, I am obligated to respond to incidents such as this. I will respectfully offer the following line by line correction. For your convenience, your text will be set off (with "**") in color: **DOM is located on Karitane Island and now includes the Taongi Atoll in the Northern Atolls of the Marshall Islands in the South Pacific 1000 miles south of Tahiti.** (Comment: The construction of this statement implies the Marshall Islands are in the South Pacific Ocean 1000 miles south of Tahiti, in which case a reader may be misled.) Correction: DOM is located on Karitane Island in the South Pacific, 1000 miles south of Tahiti, and now includes Taongi Atoll in the Northern Atolls of the Marshall Islands in the North Pacific. **However, the Marshall Islands government has condemned the "fraudulent assertions" of two organizations, ...** (Comment: Just because the RMI government "...has condemned the 'fraudulent assertions' ...of ...EnenKio...", does that make it true? Why would you want to quote anything from a government that has been internationally criticized [and documented] time and again for fraud, abuse of human rights, outright theft and is in default on almost every financial obligation it has ever made? What purpose do you propose to serve by attacking a concerned group of dedicated people fighting for the very lives of Marshallese natives who have been overrun by foreign invaders, bathed in radiation from nuclear fallout and abused by their own corrupt government?) **...namely the DOM and sister nation, the Kingdom of EnenKio (the Marshallese name for Wake Island),...** (Comment: Nothing could be further from the truth. we cannot speak for DOM, but as for the Kingdom, we don't even know what being a "sister nation" means and for you to make this categorically false statement is not only a blatant sign of ignorance of the state of EnenKio, it is a deceptive intrusion upon the sovereign, His Majesty King Remios, the sovereign of EnenKio and Eneen-Kio Atoll, and an inexplicable and irresponsible abuse of journalism. Doesn't anybody check sources anymore?) Correction: The Kingdom of EnenKio is an independent sovereign state and the same could be said for DOM. **...claiming to represent the mid-Pacific nation amid an alleged investment scam according to an article in Agence France- Presse.** (Comment: The government of the Kingdom of EnenKio represents the people of EnenKio, who are forced to live in exile from Eneen-Kio Atoll, lands and seas that played a significant role in Marshallese culture for perhaps 2000 years. Furthermore, " article in Agence France-Presse" has no merit as it was authored by a source in the Marshall Islands government. My preceding comments apply. The Kingdom of EnenKio is not now and never has been engaged in an "...investment scam...". We have tried for many years to attract qualified investors and funding sources for programs that will not only benefit the people of EnenKio, but also will positively impact people around the globe. In fact, we are currently working with a former NASA Astronaut. One tool scammers have in their arsenal is to discredit visionary programs of legitimate entities so they can feed on carcasses of the ignorant. Many journalists use the same technique to sell their stories on sensationalism. Doesn't anybody check sources anymore?) **The Marshall Islands foreign ministry has issued warnings to countries against acknowledging any fraudulent claims made by representatives of either nation.** (Comment: The Kingdom of EnenKio has made no "fraudulent claims" of which I am aware, and in my post, I am responsible for all published information. I would personally caution any "..countries against acknowledging any fraudulent claims made by representatives of..." nations, companies or publications if I had credible proof to that effect. However, my preceding comments apply as to credibility of any RMI ministry source. Furthermore, the RMI has repeatedly attacked the credibility of His Majesty King Hermios, who happens to be the ancestral sovereign owner under Marshallese custom of over 1/3 of the land in the Marshall Islands, including recent attempts to sequester him against his will. We believe some officials in the RMI are afraid of what will happen to them if honesty and integrity returns to the administration of lands and programs to assist the people with their pressing needs and they no longer have their hands on the till. To perpetrate their jaundiced agenda is an irresponsible abuse of journalism.) **A Honolulu-based attorney created the "Kingdom of EnenKio" in the early 1990s.** (Comment: Mr. Moore is not an Attorney, though he was living in Honolulu in the early 1990s.) Correction: The Kingdom of EnenKio was established by decree of the owner of Eneen-Kio Atoll [a.k.a. Enen-kio, Halcyon, Disclerta, Wake and 6-8 other names], Iroijlaplap Murjel Hermios, who then was Paramount Chief of the Northern Ratak atolls [he passed away in December 1998] and was fully recognized by the RMI government. He declared the sovereign state of EnenKio in 1994, whereupon the people chose him as their King over Eneen-Kio Atoll, ratified the Constitution and established government as a limited constitutional monarchy. **It was based on a power of attorney agreement with Marshall Islands paramount chief Mursel (sic) Hermios, which granted the attorney broad powers to act on his behalf.** Correction: The establishment of the Kingdom of EnenKio was made possible by Murjel's appointment of Mr. Robert Moore, the adopted brother of Hermios, Alab of Taongi Atoll and a private citizen, to the post of Minister Plenipotentiary. The document of appointment was also a Special Power of Attorney which granted Mr. Moore very specific instructions to do whatever was possible to expel the United States from Eneen-Kio Atoll and establish an independent state on Hermios' and the people's behalf. **The Marshall Islands High Court has ruled the agreement invalid and ordered it nullified, which the "kingdom" has disputed.** (Comment: Since when is a Special Power of Attorney an "agreement"? The Marshall Islands High Court has no record or knowledge of the Special Power of Attorney, except as has been publicized by the Kingdom of EnenKio, and certainly exercises no jurisdiction over Eneen-Kio Atoll, which lies over 100 miles north of lawful RMI boundaries. The RMI has no political or territorial jurisdiction over the islands and seas of Eneen-Kio Atoll because the atoll, by any name you choose, was not incorporated into the RMI when it formed its government in 1979, nor was it subsequently incorporated by any act, law, mandate or otherwise of any present or former Iroijlaplap or Monarch of Eneen-Kio and any statement to the contrary is false, fraudulent and irresponsible.) Finally, I suggest you, as a journalist or publisher, do a little more research, not only into establishment and development of the Kingdom of EnenKio, but into the prehistoric history and more recent U.S. invasion of Eneen-Kio Atoll, properly named by 'Marshallese' centuries before arrival of colonial western powers and missionaries. Then I invite you to our Embassy in Honolulu to review the public files and documents mentioned above, all of which exist in hard copy (not in 'cyberspace') and most of which are referenced or published at our official web site. Be sure to view the documents at our Resource Center which show, in many cases, full-color digitized letters of correspondence with the 59 or so states in the world, many of which are first world. In closing, I would simply appeal to your presumed sense of morality and ethics and request the referenced article be amended or corrected and , if corrected elsewhere, that a link be provided to the relevant paragraph cited above in the article. SKIP TO NEXT FILE TOP OF PAGE June 3, 1999- Sir: The following report was sent to me in which the author mentions the Kingdom of EnenKio (thank you for spelling 'EnenKio' correctly. The purpose of this letter below is to lodge a formal request for correction of false and misleading statements made by the author regarding the Kingdom of EnenKio. "Fantasy Island" -- "Melchizedek passport scam reveals how the Internet can take fraud to new frontiers" By Bertil Lintner in Bangkok, December 10, 1998: "Determined not to give up, Pedley moved his fictional nation once again, this time to Taongi atoll in the Western Pacific. According to a Melchizedek press release, posted on its home page, Taongi was leased in 1997 under a treaty with representatives of "the kingdom of EnenKio," another only-in- cyberspace country, which in this case claims the U.S.-held Wake Island. In real life, Taongi is an uninhabited atoll in the Marshall Islands." (link to article of December 24, 1998: "Fantasy Island", disconnected as of 2/1/00) Response to the author: I am unable to locate the "Melchizedek press release" you cited, indicating that "...Taongi was leased in 1997 under a treaty with representatives of "the kingdom of EnenKio,...". Such an act would be impossible and implausible as EnenKio has no legal authority or political jurisdiction over Taongi Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Further more, Melchizedek (DOM) is not so uninformed as to publicly advertise an illegal act in the midst of attempting to find a suitable land base for its people to administer their form of government. The Kingdom of EnenKio did enter into a treaty with DOM on the 19th day of September, 1997, but it did not convey a lease of land. It declared a state of peace and established diplomatic recognition between our governments. However, a prior agreement, signed in May 1997, which had nothing to do with the Kingdom of EnenKio, transferred Mr. Robert Moore's rights to develop Taongi from Mr. Moore to DOM. It did not convey a lease at that time and no such document is in existence. This was made possible because Mr. Moore is the Alab (one class of landowner) of Taongi and had a legal power of attorney pertaining to Taongi Atoll, from the principal landowner, Iroijlaplap (Paramount Chief) Murjel Hermios, who was aware of and supported the transaction. Consideration, if any, under the agreement was personally retained by Mr. Moore, who is also the adopted brother of Hermios. Now, please understand, that while Mr. Moore was acting in the latter case on his own behalf, and that of the future use and development of Taongi, which would have generated an income to Iroijlaplap Hermios, Mr. Moore wears another hat as Minister Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of EnenKio. Iroijlaplap Hermios, also wore (he died in December 10, 1998, the same date of your article) other hats: one as First Monarch, King of the Kingdom of EnenKio and one as owner in allodium of Eneen-Kio Atoll (a.k.a. Enen-kio, Halcyon, Disclerta, Wake and several other names). For you to state the Kingdom of EnenKio is "...another only-in- cyberspace country...", as you did in the above article, is not only a completely and categorically false statement, but it is a blatant sign of ignorance of the state of EnenKio. And, it is a blatant deceptive intrusion upon His Majesty King Hermios, the sovereign of EnenKio and Eneen-Kio Atoll, and an inexplicable and irresponsible abuse of your journalistic license -- unless, of course, your statement could be proved accurate. I suggest you do a little more research, not only into the establishment and development of the Kingdom of EnenKio, but into the prehistoric history and more recent U.S. invasion of Eneen-Kio Atoll, properly named by 'Marshallese' centuries before arrival of colonial western powers and missionaries. Then I invite you to our Embassy in Honolulu to review the public files, all of which exist in hard copy (not 'cyberspace') and most of which are referenced or published at our official web address: Be sure to view the documents at our Resource Center which show, in many cases, full-color digitized letters of correspondence with the 59 or so states in the world, many of which are first world. In closing, I would simply appeal to your presumed sense of morality and ethics and request the referenced article be amended or corrected and that the link be added to the relevant paragraph cited above in the article. SKIP TO NEXT FILE TOP OF PAGE June 2, 1999- Sir: The following statement (in quotes) was copied from one of your Footnotes to History -D and E (disconnected as of 12/1/00). "Enenkio Atoll- In 1898, the United States annexed Wake Island, in the Marshall Islands of the western Pacific. After the Marshalls became a U.S. Trust Territory, the traditional chiefs of the area agitated for recognition that Wake Island was a part of the Marianas chain, and pressed their historical claims to the atoll, called Enenkio locally. The U.S. government has consistently ignored these claims. The protests took a sharper turn after the U.S. Congress in 1993 acknowledged the illegality a hundred years earlier of the establishment by Americans of the Republic of Hawai'i. King Murjel Hermios, who is paramount chief of an archipelago in the northern Marshalls, declared Wake Island's independence in 1987. The Marshalls recognized this claim shortly after the nation gained its independence. In return for his services as Minister Plenipotentiary in the United States, Hermios granted American businessman Robert Moore land on Taongi Atoll in the northern Marshalls, which Moore has declared the Dominion of Melchizedek." Comment: With all candor, I cannot figure how such straight forward facts such as we have presented to the public and over the Internet since 1994 could have possibly been construed into the above referenced text. While I am pleased to find you have apparently taken a very serious interest (unless your site is intended as some twisted joke, which I am assuming is not the case) in the history of the Kingdom of EnenKio, I am aghast at how distorted, erroneous and misleading your summary is. As a consequence of my service to His Majesty King Remios and the people of EnenKio, I will respectfully offer the following line by line correction. For your convenience, your text will be set off (with "**") in color: **In 1898, the United States annexed Wake Island, in the Marshall Islands of the western Pacific.** Correction: In 1898, the United States invaded Wake Island, the northernmost atoll -- actually named Eneen-Kio centuries before western explorers arrived -- of the Ratak chain of Marshall Islands in Micronesia and the Central North Pacific Ocean. The Author responds: "Rest assured that I did not mean to downplay the role of violence in the American acquisition of the territory." **After the Marshalls became a U.S. Trust Territory, the traditional chiefs of the area agitated for recognition that Wake Island was a part of the Marianas chain, and pressed their historical claims to the atoll, called Enenkio locally.** Correction: Following W.W.II, the Trust Territories of the Pacific, which included the Marshall Islands, was placed under administration of the United States by the United Nations. While Eneen-Kio was well established as one of the Marshalls, the U.S. only knew it as Wake and, having lost many U.S. lives there in 1941 at the hands of Japanese invaders, kept control of it. In 1993, the Paramount Chief of the Ratak atolls pressed his clan's historical and lawful claim to the 3 islands of Eneen-Kio Atoll. The Author responds: "I don't see much conflict between the two versions here." **The U.S. government has consistently ignored these claims.** Correction: The U.S. government has consistently ignored claims from the Marshall Islands government, which failed to exert a claim during its move to independence in 1979, and from the former traditional landowners, including Iroijlaplap Murjel Hermios. The Author responds: "I will note this." **The protests took a sharper turn after the U.S. Congress in 1993 acknowledged the illegality a hundred years earlier of the establishment by Americans of the Republic of Hawai'i.** Correction: The Eneen-Kio claims gained some new momentum after precedents were set by the U.S. Congress, when in 1993 they acknowledged the illegality of the 1893 overthrow of the Monarch of the Kingdom of Hawai'i by a group of American businessmen and U.S. Marines, and in the following year returned the island of Kaho'olawe to the Hawaiian People. **King Murjel Hermios, who is paramount chief of an archipelago in the northern Marshalls, declared Wake Island's independence in 1987.** Correction: King Murjel Hermios, who was Paramount Chief until his death in December 1998, declared the sovereign state of EnenKio in 1994, whereupon the people chose him as their King over Eneen-Kio Atoll, ratified the Constitution and established government as a limited constitutional monarchy. The Author responds: "I will make the necessary corrections here." **The Marshalls recognized this claim shortly after the nation gained its independence. In return for his services as Minister Plenipotentiary in the United States, Hermios granted American businessman Robert Moore land on Taongi Atoll in the northern Marshalls, which Moore has declared the Dominion of Melchizedek.** Correction: After the death of the First Monarch, his brother Remios succeeded to the throne as Second Monarch and rules along with his brother, Crown Prince Lobadreo, over the Kingdom of EnenKio today. To continue the commentary: The parts left out were either wrong or have nothing to do with the history of the Kingdom of EnenKio itself. Since HM King Remios also succeeded to Iroijlaplap of the northern Ratak atolls of the Marshall Islands, he also has responsibilities over 10 atolls, 2 islands and over 300 atoll islets. But that is another story, which has nothing directly to do with the Kingdom of EnenKio. I have offered this treatise in hopes that you will find the time to correct your site per my suggestions. Please feel free to contact me or view our pages at the address above. Thank you in advance for your attention and interest in this matter. The Author responds: "I imagine that you are asserting here that Moore's Melchizedek project (which can be located on the web through the Sources Bibliography section of my web page) is non-existent. Be assured I will look further into\par this. Thank you again for your response, Captain Rydell. I should be posting a revised version of the page in the next week or so." (June 7, 1999) SKIP TO NEXT FILE TOP OF PAGE June 1, 1999: News Release Part One Background: On May 21, 1999, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of the Marshall Islands posted a "press release" on the Internet at:,0\cf0 (discontinued as of 12/1/00). The author, "Mr. Joseph Biglar, Undersecretary", is not known to us, has not heretofore communicated with the government of the Kingdom of EnenKio, nor with its Monarch, His Majesty King Remios, at any time and has no knowledge of any policies or state activities of EnenKio. There is no valid reason to assume that the said "press release" is indeed an official document. The Republic of the Marshall Islands has perfect knowledge that representatives of the Kingdom of EnenKio, headed by His Majesty King Remios, on the basis of his proper and lawful authority, have the right and obligation to speak in support of the interests of certain persons, many of whom happen to be Marshallese nationals residing in the Marshall Islands. Response to so-called "Press Release": This unprovoked attack upon His Majesty King Remios, Monarch of the Kingdom of EnenKio, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of the Marshall Islands is wholly false. It is also unjustifiably inflammatory and amounts to little more than an unquestionable confirmation of the predilection for infringement upon Marshallese sovereign rights exercised by the current administration of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, which has been confirmed by the U.S. State Department. (See: Human Rights Report) This public posting shall serve as constructive notice to the Marshall Islands Government that any attempt to interfere in the business of His Majesty King Remios, Iroijlaplap of the Northern Ratak atolls of the Marshall Islands, or any acts, decisions, mandates, announcements or directives thereby, shall be met with definitive responses equal to the degrees of contravention. The RMI is unequivocally cognizant that the Kingdom of EnenKio: ? ? exists as a sovereign state as defined by the Montevideo Convention (1933). ? ? was conceived as a separate independent state by its sovereign, Iroijlaplap Murjel Hermios, in 1987. ? ? was established by way of a public authority, the Constitution of the Kingdom of EnenKio Atoll, ratified in 1994 by its people. ? ? has negotiated diplomatic and trade treaties with many other states, including the Dominion of Melchizedek ? ? has asserted political and territorial jurisdiction over islands and seas which lie entirely outside and well beyond the area defined as - now quoting Mr. Biglar's statement - "RMI geographical and political boundaries." ? ? exercises authorities founded upon prehistoric traditional and matriarchal ancestral rights and titles bestowed, under the sacred heritage of Marshallese customary law (reinforced by the RMI Constitution), upon the acknowledged Iroijlaplaps of the Northern Ratak atolls, whose authority is certainly not subject to scrutiny by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. ? ? has not subjugated, assigned or encumbered any of its political jurisdiction within its defined territorial boundaries of islands and seas of Eneen-Kio Atoll to the government or people of the Dominion of Melchizedek or to any other entity, including the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Mr. Biglar is unequivocally cognizant that the Republic of the Marshall Islands: ? ? also exists as a sovereign state, defined by the Montevideo Convention (1933). ? ? was conceived as a separate state by (UN) foreign governments, which included the United States, China and the USSR. ? ? was also established under a public authority, the Constitution of the Marshall Islands, ratified in 1979 by its people. ? ? has no relations with EnenKio that allows RMI knowledge of anything that is not also public information and no such public information respecting relations with the Dominion of Melchizedek has ever been disseminated to harm the RMI to be condemned by Mr. Biglar. ? ? has no political or territorial jurisdiction over the islands and seas of Eneen-Kio Atoll, which was not incorporated into the RMI in 1979, nor subsequently incorporated by any act, law or mandate of any present or former Iroijlaplap or Monarch thereof and any statement to the contrary is fraudulent, as in the instant matter. ? ? exercises authorities founded upon the RMI Constitution, which does not incorporate nor authorize political jurisdiction over territorial boundaries that include the islands or seas of Eneen-Kio Atoll and any statement to the contrary is fraudulent, as in the instant matter. ? ? has refused to acknowledge the leadership of the Kingdom of EnenKio in their every attempt to get the RMI government to mitigate the suffering of people residing in the Ratak atolls, under jurisdiction of Iroijlaplap Hermios, and the RMI has rejected every suggestion to coordinate prospective relief efforts through the said Iroijlaplap Hermios. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of the Marshall Islands is steadfastly advised that any unilateral statements or actions by the administration of the Republic of the Marshall Islands which purport, seek or serve to diminish or question the credibility, existence or authority of the government of the Kingdom of EnenKio in the conduct of its affairs of state, without legitimate authentication by a court of competent jurisdiction, are hereafter to be taken as deliberate acts of aggression upon the Monarch of the Kingdom, His Majesty King Remios, as Head of State, the government of the Kingdom of EnenKio and its people, and will be countered with appropriate responsive measures. Furthermore, in light of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of the Marshall Islands announcement concerning the Kingdom of EnenKio, your attention is respectfully directed to the following statement in the Preamble of the Constitution of the Marshall Islands, then you decide for yourself: "With this Constitution, we affirm our desire and right to live in peace and harmony, subscribing to the principles of democracy, sharing the aspirations of all other peoples for a free and peaceful world, and striving to do all we can to assist in achieving this goal." On behalf of His Majesty King Remios, we, administrators of the Kingdom of EnenKio, have wholeheartedly agreed to pursue the same goal for a free and peaceful world and have made no effort to the contrary. (See also: Report on RMI Mismanagement) SKIP TO NEXT FILE TOP OF PAGE News Release, Part Two, June 1, 1999 Part Two Background: The International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, 1998 (click on reference # 2 below) released by the Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, U.S. Department of State, Washington DC, February 1999, states as follows: "Where Are OFCs Located? [Paragraph 4] Thus, it is now possible for an enterprising jurisdiction anywhere in the world to establish itself as an emerging OFC. The newest OFCs, e.g., Niue and the Marshall Islands, are now sprouting in remote areas of the world, such as the Pacific. Even more "remote" are mere figments of fertile imaginations such as the Dominion of Malchizedek (sic) or The Kingdom of Enenkio Atol (sic), both entirely fraudulent in intent and practice." [note: OFC = Offshore Financial Center] Response: This unprovoked attack upon His Majesty King Remios, Monarch of the Kingdom of EnenKio, the sovereign state of EnenKio and its noble citizenry by the U.S. Department of State is a reprehensible categorically false challenge of the sovereignty of the Kingdom of EnenKio. It is also unjustifiably inflammatory and amounts to an unqualified felonious defamation of the international reputation of His Majesty King Remios, the government of the Kingdom of EnenKio and organs thereof. The unmitigated audacity and arrogance of the United States to attempt to link the Kingdom of EnenKio with International Crime, narcotics trafficking, money laundering, tax evasion, international drug cartels, terrorists, bank fraud or any other sort of criminal activity, without even one microscopic fragment of substantive evidence to corroborate such deliberately nefarious statements is reprehensible in the least. This public posting shall serve as constructive notice to the United States Government that any attempt to interfere in the business of His Majesty King Remios, Iroijlaplap of the Northern Ratak atolls of the Marshall Islands, or any acts, decisions, mandates, announcements or directives thereby, shall be met with definitive responses equal to the degrees of contravention. Furthermore, this matter will not be resolved until the President of the United States issues a formal apology to His Majesty King Remios, along with the government of the Kingdom of EnenKio, and the Congress of the United States initiates a thorough investigation into the abuses of power, subversion of natural rights and illegal occupation by the United States of the islands and seas of Eneen-Kio Atoll. Congressional representatives to Hawaii, the nearest State of the United States to Eneen-Kio Atoll, and those of other states, have repeatedly been advised of the foregoing atrocities and conditions and have failed to respond in kind. The United States is obligated as the self-assured trustee of Pacific Island States in Micronesia to respond to the charges of "ethnic cleansing" and her responsibility to EnenKio is no less. For further information and links to documents, see: EnenKio Documents March 16, 1999: News Release The impact of the passing on December 10 of His Majesty Murjel Hermios, First Monarch of the Kingdom of EnenKio, Iroijlaplap of the Northern Ratak Atolls of the Marshall Islands, beloved husband and father, was felt throughout the society. Flags were flown at half mast for a week in the Marshalls and for a a month at EnenKio Consulates around the world. His remains were interred in a remote site reserved for the highest ranking chiefs, according to Marshallese custom. His Majesty King Remios Hermios Second Monarch of the Kingdom of EnenKio He was succeeded to the throne by his younger brother, Remios, who will formally accept the staff of authority as Second Monarch, titular Head of State of the Kingdom of EnenKio in ceremonies being planned. His Majesty Remios Hermios was a retired educator in the Marshalls and maintains a home in the Ratak Atolls. His successor is designated to be his brother, HRH Crown Prince Lobadreo Hermios. For further information, contact the State Secretary back on the home page. SKIP TO NEXT FILE TOP OF PAGE March 1999 -- Comments to readers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Subject: A "State of War" Declaration The Kingdom of EnenKio recognizes that an unresolved conflict of interests exists between it and the United States Government. The United States government, admittedly at a time of colonial expansionism, appears to have violated the laws of nature and The Law of Nations in "taking possession" of sovereign property in the Northern Ratak State, which then had formal treaties with the Republic of Germany. The explicitly immoral and illegal 1899 seizure of Marshallese homeland by agents of the federal government was the start of present day sentiments of deprivation of rights and dispossession of lands felt by many Marshallese. Because of continual neglect misrepresentation and outright exploitation, these scars on Marshallese society have not healed. Thus a current state of adversity exists. Following four years of attempts to cause the United States to evaluate the plight of the Marshallese of the Northern Ratak imposed by its actions with respect to Wake Island, the government of EnenKio, on behalf of the Marshallese King, issued the "'State of War', a Declaration" and broadcast it to the world. The people were displaced from their native lands and kept as virtual prisoners of war, not by virtue of being kept in, but by virtue of being kept out. It was through this pragmatic initiative that the Kingdom of EnenKio solicited support to heal the wounds inflicted upon the people and peacefully restore what was wrongfully taken from the ancestors of the Ratak Paramount Chief, King Murjel Hermios. In retrospect, the Declaration has had little visible effect. While a state of adversity does exist, the hope for American recognition of past wrongs remains on the horizon. The Kingdom of EnenKio does not condone nor tacitly sanction any act of belligerence by any person or agent of any government. Such unnecessary means would diminish any hope of mutual reconciliation and could diplomatically undermine the cause of peace within the family of nations. The Kingdom of EnenKio also does not wish to see any further damage to the remnant happiness of the Marshallese people. While the Kingdom of EnenKio continues to seek accountability of the U.S. Congress to obey its own laws, to conform to the UN Charter, conventions of the United Nations relating to self-determination, preservation of human rights and protection against human rights abuses, it believes accountability requires the U.S. to meet the pleas of the people oppressed by the conditions of this adversity. The refusal of the U.S. to meet its obligations, even to the extent that a simple discussion for resolution is held over the subject matter with representatives for the affected parties, perpetuates the adversity, turns a cold shoulder to the facts of abuse and ignores the rights of the Marshallese people to whom the U.S. pledged in good faith to execute the 1947 mandates of the United Nations and its members. Your understanding is appreciated. SKIP TO NEXT FILE TOP OF PAGE December 19, 1998: News Release Subject: Death of the Monarch of the Kingdom of EnenKio The government has declared a period of national mourning on the occasion of the death of the first Monarch of the Kingdom of EnenKio, His Majesty King Murjel Hermios. Embassies, missions and regional posts are instructed to display the flag at half-staff until 11 January 1999. Memorial services, held in the Marshall Islands where HM Hermios made his home, mark the passing of one of the most unpretentious of traditional Marshallese leaders. His remains will be interred in a family plot on one of the outer islands he so loved. Irooj Hermios was Head of State of the Kingdom of EnenKio, revered as Monarch over the islands of Eneen-Kio Atoll, esteemed as Iroijlaplap and High Chief of the Northern atolls of the Ratak Archipelago, beloved as our brother and trusted as a friend. His successor as Iroijlaplap is to be formally named by a Council of traditional leaders. Selection of a successor to the Monarchy of the Kingdom is in process and will be announced at a later date. In the interim, a Reagent will serve as Head of State. HM Hermios followed a long line of matriarchal predecessors as Iroijlaplap. Aboriginal inhabitants of the islands today known as the Marshalls, part of Micronesia in the North Pacific Ocean and first discovered by European seamen in the 16th Century, were found to have a well-developed societal structure. Many nations have since, mostly by force, prevailed over the Marshall Islands, imposed unaccustomed western ideals upon her populace and ravaged her islands of resources and beauty. Today this area is commonly known as Wake atoll and is illegally occupied by the federal government of the United States. In one of the most courageous acts in recent times, Irooj Hermios clearly understood he had a mission to succeed where his predecessors in interest had failed to secure the islands, seas and lagoon of Eneen-Kio Atoll for his beloved people. (The account of his acts to establish the Kingdom of EnenKio as an island state, independent of the governments of the Marshalls and the United States, may be researched at the official Internet site. On behalf of the government of the Kingdom of EnenKio, we are extremely grateful for his dedication to the people of the Marshall Islands and are personally moved by the memory of a man who will surely one day be recognized as having a legacy of furthering the interests of his people by the setting of processes in motion to re-establish Marshallese domination over Eneen-Kio Atoll. We are saddened that our brother has passed without his seeing the fruits of his devotion to Marshallese ancestry and traditions. In lieu of flowers, mourners may contact the mission at the address above or call (808) 373-9254. Sincerest best wishes for the holiday season and the coming New Year are extended to all in Peace. News Article SKIP TO NEXT FILE TOP OF PAGE July 14, 1998: Communiqu? to Correspondents Recent articles defaming the government of the Kingdom of EnenKio have been maliciously published under the guise of a Marshall Islands government warning against "fraudulent claims". We have once more admonished the writer of the articles in the Marshall Islands for disregarding indisputable facts which clearly discredit his biased report. We urge you to disregard all discourse in the media regarding the Kingdom of EnenKio which are not validated. To that end, you are cordially invited to contact this office with your specific questions or concerns. For your advice, the following statement was issued by the State Secretary of the Kingdom in reply: The Kingdom has never knowingly made any fraudulent claim whatsoever. No claim we have made has ever been shown to be fraudulent, nor has any claim ever come under or faltered from a challenge by anyone anywhere in the world. We are working vigorously to regain occupation of the ancestral property of HM King Hermios, to resolve the virtual "state of war" that exists with the United States government and to be accepted as an honorable state among nations. The Kingdom does not pretend to be (quoting from the report) "asserting authority over land ...within the geographical and political boundaries..." of the RMI. We are however striving to expel the armed imperialistic invasion forces of the United States from the shores of Eneen-Kio Atoll so natural Marshallese supremacy can be re-establish there. As to allegations of fraud and constitutional violation, no one has dared to come forward with any such a charge. We say, let the issue be played out in the People's venue for the record, not in a libelous weekly publication. While we do not wear our brief history on our shirtsleeves, our raison d'?tre is clearly mandated in the Preamble to the Constitution of EnenKio, which can be seen at our web site: Referencing the news article in the Marshall Islands Journal entitled "Kingdom of EnenKio sets up in New Zealand," of May 1st, the editor was advised, contrary to his report, that neither passports nor driver licenses can be purchased from the Kingdom's web site. The Kingdom of EnenKio DOES NOT SELL PASSPORTS! If you have evidence to the contrary, our Foreign Ministry would appreciate your furnishing it to them so steps can be taken immediately to investigate the matter. You are advised if anyone sells or offers to sell an EnenKio passport, that such an act is patently illegal. The published statement, "The group to represent Iroijlaplap Murjel Hermios and the atolls of the Ratak chain...", is wholly false. I have explained this matter to the editor on several prior occasions and ample information is available at our Internet site to refute the statement. The Kingdom does not represent any area outside of its territorial boundaries, as the Ratak atolls surely are. Contrary to their libelous statements, the Kingdom of EnenKio was not "created" by Robert Moore and he is not a "Honolulu-based attorney." HM King Murjel Hermios is the acknowledged hereditary Iroijlaplap of the northern Ratak atolls and is also First Monarch of the Kingdom, not of his own choice, but by a legal process and free choice of our citizens who participated in the founding of the nation in 1994. Such a noble and peaceful beginning is not too uncommon in world history. "Enenkio" [sic] (actually Enen-kio or Eneen-Kio, in reference to the atoll itself) is the first Marshallese name for a Marshallese atoll located roughly 300 miles north of Bok-ak (Taongi) Atoll. "Wake" is a fictitious moniker applied to the re-discovered Eneen-Kio Atoll by unknown western society writers. SKIP TO NEXT FILE TOP OF PAGE May 4, 1997: News Release Subject: Issuance of Gold Stamps The government of the Kingdom of EnenKio proudly announces commissioning of its Inaugural Issue of Gold Stamps. This announcement, made at the First Sunday Hawaii Stamp, Coin and Postcard Show May 4th, was the first pre-publication public notice of the issuance of Gold Stamps by the Kingdom. Stamps are expected to be off the presses by early June 1997. First day covers with new stamps affixed and postmarked official "First Day of Issue" by the Kingdom will be available for a limited time following the dates of release. Distributors, dealers and collectors are encouraged sign up as a charter member of the EnenKio Philatelic Mint mailing list. BACKGROUND - The Kingdom was established in March 1993, and the government was chosen by the people, who then ratified the constitution in September 1994. However, due to U.S. military activities on the island and the presence of armed occupation forces, the government of the Kingdom lingers in "exile". Several nations have extended recognition of the sovereignty of the Kingdom, documents of citizenship are being issued and legations are located in Europe, South America, USA and elsewhere. A NATION IN CONFLICT - The land in question, commonly known as Wake Island, is actually an atoll comprised of three small islands assigned names of westerners who visited them: Wake, Wilkes and Peale. Few people in the world today are aware that the native discoverers who named the atoll Eneen-Kio lived in the Marshall Islands, exercised constant jurisdiction and made regular use of it as a living food pantry and cultural site. By way of developing the atoll as a nation, the government is asserting that it is the indisputable holder of allodial title to "Wake" atoll and has the right to exercise its sovereignty at the will of the people. The United States of America began in a similar fashion not with a peaceful transition from colonial status. Lawful return of the land is grounded upon the legal precedent set by Congressional apology to Hawaiians for the 1893 overthrow of the Monarchy. "STATE OF WAR" - By way of an official March 1997 Declaration sent to top U.S. officials, the Kingdom of EnenKio has acknowledged that a virtual "state of war" now exists over the islands on account of the blatant acts of aggression and illegal armed invasions by troops from United States warships. The primary objective of the notice was to request a Congressional investigation into actual events and related factors surrounding the federal seizure of islands in the North Pacific Ocean by the United States. Calls to end U.S. operations, vacate the atoll and negotiate return of the islands to jurisdiction of the Kingdom have fallen on deaf ears. Despite repeated notices, letters and legal advertising, all major news media have consistently ignored the events and failed in their duty bring forth the truth to the people of the world regarding alleged incidents of piracy, waste and human rights violations by federal agents of the United States government. INAUGURAL ISSUE - The Gold Stamps are based on events of the past and dreams for the future of peace in the global community as the millennium nears. For that reason, the universal gold standard was chosen as the basis for evaluation. Since the relative value of gold in world markets varies according to the value and stability of national currency units, the stamps will similarly reflect changes in price when purchased with any particular currency. However, the real or intrinsic value of the stamps will remain as constant as gold. The extrinsic value will be determined by philatelic collectors around the world. Note: Stamps are printed on paper stock, do not contain gold metal and are not intended for use as money. CLOSING COMMENTS - The government of the Kingdom appeals to all people from every peaceable nation in the world to recognize the Kingdom of EnenKio as a sovereign nation promoting peace in the Pacific region. In doing so, it seeks a peaceful resolution o f the "state of war" with the federal government of the United States and asks that everyone with human rights concerns use their influence accordingly. The proceeds from the sale of Gold Stamps will help fund the restoration of the Kingdom and end the conflict in peace. SKIP TO NEXT FILE TOP OF PAGE March 31, 1997: News Release An official document entitled A Declaration, was sent March 22 to top Executive and Legislative officials in the federal government of the United States, including selected Cabinet members. The document asserts that: "A STATE OF WAR EXISTS OVER THE KINGDOM OF ENENKIO ATOLL BY WAY OF ACTS BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES." This is the most recent attempt to captivate the attention of the federal government. One of the primary objectives of this action is to bring about a Congressional investigation into the true events and factors surrounding the illegal seizure of islands in the North Pacific Ocean by the United States. This latest position statement is one in a succession of dozens of disclosures, statements, letters and legal actions taken since the government of the Kingdom was established in March 1993, each with similar objectives. Calls for the U.S. to cease operations, vacate the premises, negotiate return of the island to the King, apologize and compensate him for use, abuse and illegal hold-over following legal action have all failed to receive cognizance or reply from the federal government. Likewise, despite repeated notices, letters and legal announcements, major news media have consistently ignored the events and failed in their duty bring forth the truth to the people of the world regarding the alleged piracy, arrogance and human rights violations by the United States. The land in question, commonly called Wake Island, is comprised of three small islands, Wake, Wilkes and Peale, named by "Western explorers" for Western persons. What of the native discoverers? The crux of the issue is that despite the passage of ownership via a complex Matriarchal land tenure system for over two millennia with jurisdiction by the aboriginal chiefs of the Northern Ratak atolls of Marshall Islands, the United States seems to believe it is justified in having seized the atoll in 1898, and again in1899. Historical records reveal that the multiple landings by United States warships, en route to the Philippines on war missions, and subsequent Congressional action, were the sole basis of the U.S. claim. The motivation was said to be for the establishment of a cable station to improve communications with its marauding troops in the East. Such a station was never established at Wake Island. It was destined to become a military installation. However, formal protests of the seizure was sent to the U.S. President by the German Consul in the Marshall Islands and some measure of correspondence followed. But since the U.S. abandoned the area without establishing a colony or cable station and Germany was defeated in the first World War, the objections fell into oblivion. It is understood from written accounts of oral Marshallese culture and traditions, that jurisdiction and use of the atoll by natives continued. The U.S. did not establish a settlement there until, under a lease in 1934, the CAA (predecessor of the FAA) allowed Pan American Airways to build a base for its fleet of trans-pacific seaplanes. Clearly, the so-called annexation by the U.S. is grossly flawed, the occupation patently illegal and its "ownership" is held therefore to be wholly invalid. When the U.S. Congress apologized for the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy in 1993 and the U.S. Navy subsequently returned culturally significant land to the "natives" of Hawaii, a landmark legal precedent was thus set for comparable action with respect to the return of Wake Island. The islands of Eneen-Kio, as the northernmost atoll in the Ratak chain, played a very significant role in the culture and religion of Micronesians living in the more "hospitable" islands of the Marshall group. While not being used for Navy target practice as Kaho'olawe was, the use of the islands of Eneen-Kio Atoll and the military mission at Wake Airfield are decidedly without substantial merit and whereby activities take place in secrecy, devoid of scrutiny, oversight or quintessential knowledge by the American public. Even after cultural intervention in the mid 1800s by Christian Missionaries, natives continued to use Eneen-Kio, authority to go there being issued by the Ratak Iroijlaplap (Paramount Chief). King Murjel Hermios holds that title today. By way of developing the atoll in sovereignty as a nation, the government is thereby indisputable holder of the allodial title to Wake Island. The U.S. cannot produce a title. The Hermios ancestral lineage, passage of title through the ages from aboriginal inhabitants and discoverers, who gave the atoll its Marshallese name, their continual use and legacy of jurisdiction secures the rights of ownership. Upon the basis of events and actions by the United States, the administration of the Kingdom of EnenKio, by virtue of the Declaration, "yields to the recognition that a State of War" exists over the island nation. This is not, however, to be viewed as a waiver of rights or unconditional surrender. Sovereignty and independence of the Kingdom, over all other claims, is forthrightly reasserted. The belief is that truth and law is on the side of the Kingdom and that reckless abuse of power and a trail of human rights violations are chronicled upon the record of U.S. "ownership" and occupation. Native North Americans are all too well acquainted with this brand of federal brutality when it comes to seizure of land and denial of rights. In the Declaration, demands are made as follows: ? ? " come to the table of peace to negotiate an honorable accord for the survivors of the said STATE OF WAR...". ? ? "If unwilling to voluntarily negotiate for peace, to submit to Impartial international arbitration of the terms for surrender and WAR reparations to citizens." ? ? " cease and desist, effective immediately, all and every action of every kind in or on EnenKio Atoll or within the 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone..." ? ? " pay that certain debt, perfected and established in commerce by failure the Department of the Interior ? ? " lawfully respond to proper legal notices of more than TWENTY-SEVEN consecutive months and most recently referenced by a Certified Invoice, No. 97-US-03, dated March 10, 1997, for which it is obligated to pay." ? ? That the "...Congress of the United States is obliged to immediately impanel an impartial body for the purpose of investigating the atrocities committed in the case of the violations of human rights and due process...". The government of the Kingdom solicits every other sovereign peaceable nation in the world to give effective and adequate recognition to the Kingdom of EnenKio Atoll as an Independent Nation under God. It seeks a peaceful resolution of the state of war with the federal government of the United States and asks them to use their influence accordingly. Appeals are being made to the United Nations. News Article SKIP TO NEXT FILE TOP OF PAGE February 6, 1995: News Release On behalf of His Majesty, King Murjel Hermios, Monarch of EnenKio Atoll, titular head of State, Paramount Chief (Iroijlaplap) of the northern atolls of the Ratak archipelago of Pacific Ocean Islands of the Marshall Islands, I bid you a warm Marshallese greeting -- Yokwe! The purpose of this notice is twofold: First, to admonish those of you to whom word of the referenced issues were made known, then failed to take action; Second, to encourage you to whom this presents to take appropriate action in disseminating reports on this issue. As long as you remain quiet, safely removed from the potential controversy insidiously lurking beneath the surface of one issue about which the federal government of the United States remains resolutely silent, your anonymity and that of your publication is well served. Summary of Events 1993-94: Two official press releases have been made regarding the establishment of a new island nation in the Pacific Ocean, EnenKio, formerly known as Wake Island. The first was issued on February 25, 1994. It followed two announcements: 1) officials of the US Air Force at Hickam AFB, Hawaii said in articles published New Year's Eve and Day in both Honolulu newspapers that the USAF no longer wanted to maintain Wake Island airfield and wanted to turn it over to Interior Department or another military organization by 1 February and abandon it by 1 October, 1994; 2) US Army Space and Strategic Defense Command of Huntsville, Alabama issued an Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed missile launch program out of Wake Island; part of the "star wars" program, I am led to believe. An emergency meeting of the leaders of the future nation of EnenKio was held and it was decided that earlier efforts to bring the atoll under the jurisdiction of Hawaii would be abandoned in favor of affirmation of independence, thus seeking self-rule under the natural landowner as king. Letters to Mr. Clinton, members of Congress, U.S. Army and the first press release proclaimed the status of ownership of EnenKio (Wake I., Peale I., Wilkes I.), denounced the Army's so-called "no significant impact" scheme to fire more than 800 rockets of an undisclosed nature into and over the waters of the Marshall Islands (including its sanctuaries for turtles and birds) and asserted rightful ownership claims. On March 21, 1994, a formal resolution was executed establishing the nation of EnenKio as an independent nation under the authority of His Majesty Murjel Hermios, who had granted special power of attorney to Mr. Robert Moore, appointed Minister Plenipotentiary. The Constitution, Succession Act and other documents were thereafter drafted. On September 30th, a formal Declaration of Sovereignty was signed into law by Ministers and selected delegate citizens, believing (as did the USA founding fathers) that such power was an inherent right of the people. It declared the Kingdom of EnenKio a sovereign independent peaceful nation, it acknowledged His Majesty, King Murjel Hermios as owner in allodium of the atoll, accepted him as Head of State and embraced the Constitution as the founding document for a form of democratic government. Documents and letters were sent to numerous nations of the world proclaiming the above actions. Formal documents of recognition were presented, offer of diplomatic ties made and support for reciprocation requested. Copies of pertinent documents were forwarded to the United Nations, UN Security Council, NATO, South Pacific Commission and others. Letters of personal appeal were sent to UN leaders. A special request for protection and assistance was sent to the UN Security Council. On October 10th, a commercial affidavit and demand for payment was sent via certified mail to federal officers of the United States regarding the illegal January 17, 1899 seizure, under force of arms, of the islands of Eneen-Kio Atoll, the adverse occupation and continued disregard of international Human rights law, UN Charter terms and terms of the Compact of Free Association with the Republic of the Marshall Islands (Public Law 99-239; January 14, 1986). Having acknowledged receipt and failing to respond within a reasonable time, the U.S. is now in default under commercial law, owing in excess of US$100 million. The second official press release was issued on November 21, 1994, relating the preceding events. Of all the agencies to whom it was sent, only two, the Marshall Islands Journal, a weekly newspaper and Islands Business Pacific magazine are known to have mentioned the story, then only briefly. Request for Media Response: The thirst of the media for copy on topics outside of natural calamities, treed cats and daily courtroom chronicles of violence and deception seems seriously lacking. Is not the peaceful beginning of a new nation news any more? Is not the restoration of native rights of an aboriginal society whose roots reach into antiquity (to before the birth of Jesus) worth a little journalistic investigation? How about suspicions of insidious military-sanctioned activity which threatens the security and peaceful existence of nations of the Pacific in the name of "world leadership"? Or is it world domination? People of EnenKio have a few simple requests of you, the media, in an effort to draw international attention to this issue and thereby, hopefully shorten the delay in regaining active occupation of islands of their ancestral heritage: 1. Investigate and verify the circumstances of the illegal armed invasion supported by U.S. expansionism and subsequent improper annexation of the sacred islands of Eneen-Kio Atoll, then being utilized by sailors, hunters and chiefs of the Marshallese civilization and for at least 2000 years prior to the 1899 fiasco. (Note: These facts and validity of the Hermios claim are a matter of historical record, not a fabrication.) 2. Investigate and/or verify the circumstances of any evidence of specific beneficial use and U.S. policy, past and present, or the lack thereof, with regard to the role of EnenKio . (Note: It is my understanding Wake was "decommissioned" after the so-called "processing" of thousands of South Vietnamese refugees in the late 1970s). 3. Reflect on the contrasting history of U.S. occupation, war, technological advances, in light of modern attitudes about misdeeds against native peoples and the willingness of our people to develop serious national economic programs for the benefit of all mankind. 4. Respectfully and conscientiously broadcast the credibility of the king's claim of allodial title, the declaration of rights of the citizens of EnenKio to self-determination and the commitment by their government and leaders to promulgate their mandates in a responsible and fiscal manner. 5. Bring to light U.S. strategy with regard to the implementation of questionable and costly pet programs involving nuclear proliferation, offensive/defensive weapon systems, clandestine military research, environmental pollution and whatever else is going on there. (Note: Congress and certain federal agencies have promoted use of Wake Island and environs as platform for launching and testing hundreds of rockets and missiles, a federal prison for drug offenders and other less publicized projects.) 6. Fully disclose to the people of the United States U.S. strategy with regard to the denial of possession of lawful title to Eneen-Kio Atoll by King Hermios as a consequence of natural inheritance via time-honored and respected Marshallese matriarchal traditions, disregard for Human rights protected under international law, United Nations Charter and conventions and the U.S. Compact with the Marshall Islands and refusal to acknowledge liability for acts of piracy on the high seas of military and colonial expansionism of the nineteenth century. (Note: U.S. apology for the illegal armed overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy the prior year and the return of the Hawaiian island, Kaho'olawe, also of religious significance, has set precedents for the action demanded by EnenKio citizens.) Parting Shot: What truly concerns me is the cavalier attitude of government in general, the U.S. federal government more precisely, which somehow behaves as if endowed by a divinely inspired alchemy that conveys the right to rearrange lands, cultures and economics with out the slightest inclination to counsel with those people most concerned. Such an approach might be expected in some dictatorship in some distant corner of the globe, but considering its present source, it is downright alarming. It is worthwhile to mention here that despite a prominent trail left over the course of more than two years, letters, reports, forms, published articles, press releases, legal notices, documents and virtually every action initiated by those representing King Hermios have escaped official response from officers of the U.S. federal government. Our not-too-distant past is replete with examples of the insatiable thirst of western "civilized" nations for doctrines faithful to the cry of "manifest destiny" which clearly marked American foreign policy of a century ago. If this current trend signifies a resurgence, it can only be considered a giant leap backward, considering the flimsy record of American attempts at "fixing up the world". The title of ownership and inheritance of Eneen-Kio Atoll pre-dates formation of the United States by two centuries or more. It is time the significance of native cultures and recognition of their right to self-determination is elevated from matters of scientific discourse to mainstream political involvement in determining the future course of human endeavor. People have a right to know; the media a responsibility to show them. In conclusion, I reiterate that our focus, from my point of view, is one, not so much of opposition to the ominous might of U.S. political philosophy and military prowess, but of asserting the moral imperatives for correcting errors of the past, supporting restoration of Human cultural dignity and the unobstructed observance of God-given individual rights. Thank you for your support and cooperation in helping end the siege and forced exile of our proud citizenry. TOP OF PAGE November 21, 1994: News Release In a bid to regain occupation of that portion of his ancestral lands which include Wake Island, site of a U.S. military outpost, His Majesty, King Murjel Hermios, through his legal representative, Minister Plenipotentiary, Robert Moore, the U.S. has been given the boot out of Wake Island. Moore served legal notice on top U.S. government officials in October 1994 to cease all activity and leave the islands. The filing came on the heels of a five-year struggle to gain recognition of the illegal seizure of islands (owned by predecessors of King Hermios) by the gun boat, USS Bennington in 1899. The legal document, a Commercial Affidavit, Declaration of Fair Value and Demand for Payment, was served under recognized principles of Common Law and International Commercial Codes. It details the specifics of King Hermios' ancestral rights to Wake Island, the illegality of the U.S. claim and violations of native laws, International Agreements and human rights during their 95-year hold on the Hermios property. It also establishes default, recognized under law, by reason of failure to answer the sworn claims, thereby allowing the Hermios claim to stand valid before the law as unchallenged. Under those claims, demand was made for payment of 94.7 million dollars for past use of the land. Continued use and holdover of the atoll will add 5 million dollars per month through 1995. While putting forth the appearance of advocating human rights, U.S. officials continue to ignore issues right in their own backyard which keep King Hermios and the citizens of EnenKio living in compulsory exile. Eneen-Kio Atoll, a name derived from Marshallese traditions involving a small orange (kio) flower found there, is made up of 3 islands, including Wake. Predecessors in interest of King Hermios, aboriginal chiefs and islanders sailed native canoes to Eneen-Kio Atoll for religious and cultural purposes as much as 500 years BC. During the colonial invasion of Pacific islands, western traders and explorers consistently ignored the native traditions and rights of the real discoverers of those fragile and isolated bits of sand, the islanders themselves. A case in point is in that of the Hawaiians, who recently gained an apology from the U.S. Congress and President Bill Clinton for the illegal U.S. government overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy. King Hermios is presently acknowledged as the hereditary Paramount Chief (Iroijlaplap) of all the Northern Atolls of the Ratak Archipelago of the Marshall Islands, which terminates to the north, beyond Eneen-Kio Atoll. Mr. Moore has full authority to act on the King's behalf to rid the islands of their illegal and unwanted Occupation Forces in favor of restoring the King's assertion of his native allodial rights. Most recently occupying and holding the islands are agents of the U.S. Air Force command, 15th Logistics Group, Hickam AFB, Hawaii. Nearly identical articles published in the Star Bulletin and Honolulu Advertiser on December 31, 1993 and January 1, 1994 headlined: "Air Force willing to give up its hold on Wake Island" and stated: "Not much activity there anymore, so the Air Force wants to give up control". According to some theories thought to have reliable foundation, private entities or other government agencies are fighting for control behind a stonewall of apathy, denial and contempt for traditional ancestral heritage of King Hermios, his predecessors and people. Mr. Moore is also charged with the responsibility of bringing the nation under active jurisdiction of its own independent government, to initiate and administer to its citizens, promote economic development and to direct all affairs of State. The democratic government is established as a limited constitutional monarchy and is being directed by its Executive Council. Since 1987, despite repeated efforts to resolve the conflict and the effects of a stroke, Mr. Moore has been unsuccessful in getting any substantive reply from officers of the United States, military officers and members of Congress. The following is a summary of some of the recent letters, inquiries and statements of claims made on behalf of the lawful and rightful landowner, King Murjel Hermios: ? ? Formal letters to President Clinton and Vice-President Al Gore in February 1993, requesting consideration under programs promised in their campaign for economic conversion of old military bases were ignored. As a military base, Wake Airfield was "decommissioned" more than a decade ago. ? ? In response to the Environmental Assessment of the proposed Theater Missile Defense Rocket Launch Activities, formal letters of protest sent to the Pentagon and U.S. Army officials, who contemplated launching hundreds of missiles from Wake Island over several years into the waters of the Marshall Islands, went unanswered. ? ? Letters to members of the U.S. Congress protesting rocket launch activities and requesting help went unanswered. ? ? A Resolution dated March 21, 1994 was signed which declared the status of EnenKio to be that of an independent nation under the administrative jurisdiction of King Murjel Hermios. It was likewise ignored. After waiting for more than 580 days since "formal" notification of the declared status of EnenKio and having heard no objection from the United States, Mr. Moore assembled the Ministers of the Executive Council. They, along with a few involved citizens living in exile and denied access to Eneen-Kio, formally passed and signed the Declaration of Sovereignty on September 30, 1994. They also accepted the draft of the Constitution which establishes the democratic principles of government recognizing His Majesty, King Murjel Hermios as Head of State and his family as the First Royal Family of EnenKio . While the King and his people bear no ill will against the multitudes of foreign invaders of Eneen-Kio Atoll, which over the centuries included agents of the Emperor of Japan, the Emperor of Germany, and the King of Spain, they believe the time has come to acknowledge the errors of the past, correct the conditions thereby produced and move on into the future in support of the sacred principals of Truth, Honor and Peace. Those principals are embodied in the Constitutions of EnenKio and of the United States. Those tenets were likewise embodied, affirmed and ratified by the U.S. Congress in Public Law 99-239 (Jan. 14, 1986), signed by President Ronald Reagan as the Compact of Free Association with the Marshall Islands and Federated States of Micronesia. The compact acknowledges superiority of all Marshallese "natural" rights, including those of ownership and use of land. Still mindful of the terrible threat of extraordinary U.S. military might and the willingness to use it against even the smallest of nations (e.g. Grenada, Haiti, Cuba, Hawaii, etc., etc.), Mr. Moore, other Ministers and the citizens of EnenKio are determined to peacefully displace the U.S. Occupation Forces and reassert the jurisdiction of His Majesty, King Murjel Hermios. Filing the Commercial Affidavit document was the first major legal step in a series of actions that could end up in International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands. In an effort to garner support for the repatriation of her citizens, the restoration of democratic control of EnenKio and to gain international recognition of the innumerable native rights violations against the Sovereign and his forebears, the Ministers of EnenKio have sent documents of Notice and request for assistance to the United Nations Security Council, the South Pacific Commission, similar organizations and to the governments of most other nations of the world. It is hoped that mutual recognition of sovereignty and the establishment of diplomatic ties will invite the willful withdrawal of U.S. troops and relinquishment of their unfounded territorial claims. At the same time, Mr. Moore, in the service of His Majesty, King Murjel Hermios, wishes to inform all of the people being held at Wake Island by force of arms or by contract, that asylum will be offered to them. A similar offer is made to all Marshallese descendants who desire to become citizens of EnenKio. News Article: Islands Business Pacific News Article: Marshall Islands Journal TOP OF PAGE Reply to:
Date: Wednesday, June 6, 2007 10:58 AM

Anonymous said...

Dave Champion thrashes Jay D. Adkisson on American Radio Show, March 6, 2004
Riser Adkisson LLP-law firm rung by Asskisser which focuses on asset protection
Fraudulent Transfers-Another website run by asskisser

Beware, tax honesty advocates! There is a lot of snake oil out there, and the most prominent source of anti-tax protester snake oil is the Quatloos website at This website is run by a verbally abusive and arrogant lawyer named Jay Adkisson. Below is the picture of him submitted by one of our readers:

That website has been around for at least the last three years and has been in existence ever since this website stood up. It has become famous for trashing absolutely EVERYONE who wants an accountable and law-abiding government so far as taxation is concerned. From now on, we will refer to Mr. Adkisson in this article as AssKisser (or Ass Kisser's Son, in its long rendition), and the favorite Asses he kisses and brown noses are those of the Senate Finance Committee and the Illegal Robbery Squad (IRS). We use the derogatory term "AssKisser" only because we think Divine Justice ought to operate on him, where he reaps exactly what he sows. His whole website slanders people so he, and only he, definitely ought to get a BIG dose of his own medicine. We don't, however, have to tell untruths in order to discredit him, because the truth about his misdeeds is more damaging than the kinds of deception and lies that he practices. If it's truth, it isn't slander, but simply "news". He is among the few people who deserve this kind of negative attention.

"God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.....

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil [and the Quatloos Website] walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devoir. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." [1 Peter 5:5-9, Bible, NKJV]

AssKisser has appeared at the Senate Finance Committee hearings several times over the past few years, held usually in April right around tax return time. These meetings have turned into a favorite method of tax terrorism of the American public by the greedy politicians, because they talk about shutting down people's free speech rights and tax honesty websites in violation of the First Amendment, and they like quoting statistics on all the people who have gone to jail for "not paying their fair share". Imagine that: Snake Oil salesmen in Congress trying to figure out a way to eliminate their competition!

AssKisser is the favorite fair-haired boy of Senator Charles Grassley, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee. Politicians love him up on Capital$ Hill because he's so gifted at propaganda, verbal abuse, and slander. You could search his website for days and not find a single reliable fact. The only thing he is interested in is:

Court rulings below the Supreme Court. He cherry-picks the few rulings that DIDN'T go unpublished and which favored the government and then says these are the "gospel", in spite of the fact that the IRS' own Internal Revenue Manual says in section that rulings below the Supreme Court cannot be cited as applying to more than the specific "taxpayer" in question.
Tax protesters who trash their fellow colleagues. Thurston Bell's website has been shut down for quite some time and Thurston himself has been discredited by AssKisser's own admission, but the AssKisser still loves quoting mainly Mr. Bell's criticisms of his other fellow tax honesty advocates.
AssKissers Method of Operation (MO) is as follows:

Quote irrelevant caselaw if it proves the point you want. Federal district and circuit courts only have jurisdiction over federal property and federal contracts under Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution. They are legislative courts that have no jurisdiction over citizens in the states unless these citizens are STUPID enough to give away all their rights and sovereignty by signing a government form under penalty of perjury that misrepresents their status.
Refuse to acknowledge the I.R.C. as "contract law" and "private law" and "special law" that only affects those who consent to be bound by it. Those who engage in a "trade or business" become privileged and subject to the contract. See Great IRS Hoax sections 5.4 through and 5.6.13.
Promote and exploit ignorance and the false presumption of the people, rather than try to educate or help them. Be a PREDATOR instead of a PROTECTOR.
Ignore the source of jurisdiction in each case he quotes. For instance, ignore the citizenship or "taxpayer" status of the litigant. This helps reinforce the false notion that ALL AMERICANS are "taxpayers", when in fact they aren't.
Print the first rumor that comes along so that people can never latch onto any substantive or truthful.
Ignore unpublished cases, which are the majority of cases and all of the cases where people won against the government.
Refuse to acknowledge or talk about the trend to make federal tax cases unpublished. Never mind that the federal judiciary is covering up their own wrongdoing in what amounts to obstruction of justice and conspiracy against rights in violation of 18 U.S.C. §241. Click here for details.
If you don't understand the arguments or they are too prejudicial to the government, then just call them "frivolous", which is the intellectually easy and lazy way and verbally abusive way to win any argument.
When any argument gets too close to the truth, personalize it by slandering the messenger to divert attention away from the facts and the law. That way you never have to admit that you heard the truth. That's EVIL.
Disregard the fact that the federal government has no jurisdiction inside states of the Union by default and that jurisdiction can only be conferred by a ceding of state jurisdiction under the authority of 40 U.S.C. §255. Yes, the federal government does have very limited subject matter jurisdiction within states of the Union for certain very specific things, like mail fraud and counterfeiting, but direct taxation is not an authority delegated to them under the Constitution. The only taxing authority they have inside states of the union is on foreign commerce under 1:8:3 of the Constitution. See Chapter 5 of our Great IRS Hoax for a very thorough explanation of why this is the case, which is unrebutted by anyone.
Since you know that everything you say is lies anyway, don't ever put your name on anything, and ignore the fact that the IRS does the same thing with their own publication called "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments". If it's not official and there is no formal author, then you can't be held liable for misrepresentation because no one can prove you wrote it. That's the key to what we call "plausible deniability" and its the only way to avoid having your license to practice law pulled if the lid ever blows on the huge Pozzi Scheme our government is pulling.
Ignore the definition of "person" used for the criminal provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, which means an officer of a federal corporation or partnership. See also Great IRS Hoax section 5.4.8 and 26 U.S.C. sections 6671(b) and 7343. Refuse to acknowledge the link between being engaged in a "trade or business" and the fact that those who are engaged in this taxable activity are all officers of the federal corporation called the United States government (see 28 U.S.C. §3002(15)(A))
Refuse to acknowledge the fact that there are no implementing regulations under Part of of the CFR authorizing any kind of enforcement actions on Americans living in the 50 states, which by the way are MANDATORY for all enforcement authority. See Great IRS Hoax sections 5.4.6, 5.4.7, and 15.11.17. Also refuse to acknowledge the fact that the only parties against whom the federal government can enforce absent implementing regulations published in the Federal Register are federal "employees", which exactly describes those who are engaged in a "trade or business". Click here for details.
Confuse people about the meaning of the word "includes". Make it into a "rubber word" that allows definitions to expand to fill any space at the whim of whatever judge is hearing the case. This provides a convenient vehicle to deceive people, to abuse Due Process, to deny justice, and transform our country from a society of laws (see Marbury v. Madison) into a society of men. It also provides a convenient way for judges and the IRS to violate the separation of powers doctrine and commit TREASON. Click here for details.
Ignore the massive conflicts of interest created by the corruption of our tax system. Click here for details:
When tax honesty advocates post anything in his Tax Protester Forum that he doesn't agree with or he can't argue with, deletes it from the forum rather than responding to it. The forum we started on the Quatloos website was locked so that no one could post to it, because he quite frankly doesn't want the truth getting out. He is a coward and a Communist!
Look at the IP addresses that protesters use when posting to the Quatloos forums and turn them over to the DOJ and IRS to become targets of persecution. AssKisser is a spy and a coward.
......THIS LIST GOES ON FOREVER. Click here to see more items to add to this infinite list.

AssKisser is deaf to nearly everything and everyone else. He worships the federal judiciary and probably hasn't cracked open a copy of the Internal Revenue Code or the Treasury Regulations in decades. His website features the most imbalanced and illogical view of federal taxation out there.

AssKisser also happens to be the most evasive person we've met in regards to debating tax honesty issues. We have written this fool on several occasions to determine whether he is capable of rational thought on the subject of taxation. We didn't contact him to ask questions or ask for legal advice, but only to ask him to rebut the overwhelming evidence of government wrongdoing right out of the government's own mouth as reflected in the following publications:

The Great IRS Hoax-book
Rebutted version of the IRS' "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments"
Rebutted version of the Congressional Research Report 97-59A entitled "Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Federal Income Tax".
Tax Deposition Questions-expanded version of the We the People Truth in Taxation Hearing
On each and every occasion, instead of sticking to the facts and issues addressed above, he simply returns our inquiry with insults, verbal abuse, and the frequent word "frivolous" without ever explaining why. Remember, the legal definition of the word "frivolous" is "without legal foundation or intended to harass". We were polite and logical and simply asked for a rebuttal, and we got insults back, because AssKisser knows he would blow up the whole tax system if he told the truth. If he rebutted even one issue in any of the above publications, then he would obligate himself to explain all the contradictions and illegalities he then introduces into all of the other facts in the same document, and so he doesn't dare respond to any of our materials. Never start an argument that you can't win, and never tangle with a legal opponent who has all the evidence.

AssKisser's sponsors in the Senate Finance Committee are just as evasive as he is. We've sent at least one polite letter to Mr. Grassley asking him to rebut our rebutted version of the Congressional Research Report 97-59A entitled "Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Federal Income Tax" and we got complete silence in return. That is what we call a "Fifth Amendment Response". Read the letter we wrote for yourself.

AssKisser's attitude certainly doesn't help anyone come to the truth of the matter, and we suspect he doesn't want Americans to know the truth, quite frankly. He is like every other lawyer in the tax profession: His main goal is to keep the Truth about taxation OUT of the courtroom and out of the hands of the American public. As long as confusion and uncertainty and fear prevail in federal courtrooms all over the country in regards to taxation, then the Feudal system of Taxation that we have can continue unabated, and maintaining the status quo on federal taxation is where most of his bread and butter comes from.

We wrote AssKisser several emails. Most recently, we asked him where he gets his funding. I'm sure you realize that lawyers don't work for free, and in most cases, they entered the profession so they could get rich quick. Here was the interchange:


Name: Mark

City: San Diego

State: CA

Country: US

Question: Since your site focuses on tax, trust, and money scams and is political in nature, its entirely appropriate as a nonprofit organization that you fully disclose where your contributions come from. This kind of full disclosure would bolster your credibility. I would like to donate but I refuse to do so without a full disclosure of your recipients and/or donating organizations. In particular, I would also like to know how much of the money comes either directly or indirectly from the following organizations:

1. The U.S. government

2. State governments

3. The American Bar Association

4. Trial lawyers.

5. Individuals not connected directly or indirectly with any of the above (as a percentage). I don't want to know individual names.




Sure! The percentage of funding we receive is below:

1. The U.S. government


2. State governments


3. The American Bar Association


4. Trial lawyers.


5. Individuals not connected directly or indirectly with any of the above (as a percentage).

100% (mostly from mug sales -- people love our mugs, but our caps are cool


Also, we are not a political group and do not advocate the election of any candidate of any party whatsoever.

Hope this helps!


He has only been selling mugs for about one of the last three years. How many of you believe that a tax lawyer, most of whom earn $300 or more per hour, is going to work basically for charity. And how many of you believe that the the very uncharitable things he says about tax honesty advocates have a charitable motive? Click here to read a few samples. We don't believe that his efforts are charitable in any sense of the word. Charitable causes don't trash people. We don't trash people, we criticize bad (sinful) behavior, but no people. We don't hate AssKisser, but we hate the evil that he does to people by misinforming them and by lying to them about what the tax laws say. AssKisser also contradicted his own words above in a posting on his Tax Protester's forum on July 28, 2003, in which he said:

I'm tempted to have the non-profit that sponsors Quatloos!, i.e., Financial and Tax Fraud Education Associates, Inc., apply for leave to join the suit as Amicus Curiae, and then immediately file a motion for Rule 11 sanctions against WTP and all involved. Those possibly interested in helping out with a such a lawsuit, contact me offline.

Wait a minute! First he says all his revenues come from coffee mugs, and then he turns around and says that he instead is sponsored by a nonprofit group. You can't have it both ways. Either coffee mugs or an external organization sponsor the costs, but he only mentioned one of the two so AssKisser must be a liar. Right after we posted this article, Mr. AssKisser trumped himself again in response to it. We found the above quote by searching his online forums using the "Search" button. Well, apparently when Mr. Askisser read this article, he responded by removing the "Search" button from his Tax Protester Forum to make it more difficult to find postings made by him that would further expose his fraudulent dealings! Click here and visit his tax protester forums and try to locate a "search" button for yourself if you don't believe us!

Below is how the Apostle Paul responded to people like AssKisser, which is consistent with how we view him:

“For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers [at the IRS], specially they of the circumcision:

Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses [and families], teaching [and saying] things [about the tax laws] which they ought not, for filthy lucre's [money’s] sake.

One of themselves, [even] a prophet of their own [Senator Grassley of the Senate Finance Committee], said, The Cretians [tax protesters are] always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.

This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them [IRS and government and AssKisser] sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

Not giving heed to Jewish fables [in this case, the Internal Revenue Manual or the IRS Publications], and commandments of men [their 800 telephone support service, that gives wrong advice over 60% of the time by the IRS’ own admission], that turn from the truth.

Unto the pure all things [are] pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving [is] nothing pure [the IRS and the Congress and AssKisser]; but even their mind and conscience is defiled [their conscience has been warped because they took a bribe [by being a consultant, in the case of AssKisser, in violation of Exodus 23:8].

They profess that they know God [and at least PRETEND that they love their brother and the people they serve]; but in [EVIL] works they deny [Him], being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.” [Titus 1:10-16, Bible, NKJV]
RobertMoore270@msn.comQNE EYED BASTERAD & BITCH ASSKISSERS --- The Quatloos Website is a FRAUD
Dave Champion thrashes Jay D. Adkisson on American Radio Show, March 6, 2004
Riser Adkisson LLP-law firm rung by Asskisser which focuses on asset protection
Fraudulent Transfers-Another website run by asskisser

Beware, tax honesty advocates! There is a lot of snake oil out there, and the most prominent source of anti-tax protester snake oil is the Quatloos website at This website is run by a verbally abusive and arrogant lawyer named Jay Adkisson. Below is the picture of him submitted by one of our readers:

That website has been around for at least the last three years and has been in existence ever since this website stood up. It has become famous for trashing absolutely EVERYONE who wants an accountable and law-abiding government so far as taxation is concerned. From now on, we will refer to Mr. Adkisson in this article as AssKisser (or Ass Kisser's Son, in its long rendition), and the favorite Asses he kisses and brown noses are those of the Senate Finance Committee and the Illegal Robbery Squad (IRS). We use the derogatory term "AssKisser" only because we think Divine Justice ought to operate on him, where he reaps exactly what he sows. His whole website slanders people so he, and only he, definitely ought to get a BIG dose of his own medicine. We don't, however, have to tell untruths in order to discredit him, because the truth about his misdeeds is more damaging than the kinds of deception and lies that he practices. If it's truth, it isn't slander, but simply "news". He is among the few people who deserve this kind of negative attention.

"God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.....

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil [and the Quatloos Website] walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devoir. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." [1 Peter 5:5-9, Bible, NKJV]

AssKisser has appeared at the Senate Finance Committee hearings several times over the past few years, held usually in April right around tax return time. These meetings have turned into a favorite method of tax terrorism of the American public by the greedy politicians, because they talk about shutting down people's free speech rights and tax honesty websites in violation of the First Amendment, and they like quoting statistics on all the people who have gone to jail for "not paying their fair share". Imagine that: Snake Oil salesmen in Congress trying to figure out a way to eliminate their competition!

AssKisser is the favorite fair-haired boy of Senator Charles Grassley, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee. Politicians love him up on Capital$ Hill because he's so gifted at propaganda, verbal abuse, and slander. You could search his website for days and not find a single reliable fact. The only thing he is interested in is:

Court rulings below the Supreme Court. He cherry-picks the few rulings that DIDN'T go unpublished and which favored the government and then says these are the "gospel", in spite of the fact that the IRS' own Internal Revenue Manual says in section that rulings below the Supreme Court cannot be cited as applying to more than the specific "taxpayer" in question.
Tax protesters who trash their fellow colleagues. Thurston Bell's website has been shut down for quite some time and Thurston himself has been discredited by AssKisser's own admission, but the AssKisser still loves quoting mainly Mr. Bell's criticisms of his other fellow tax honesty advocates.
AssKissers Method of Operation (MO) is as follows:

Quote irrelevant caselaw if it proves the point you want. Federal district and circuit courts only have jurisdiction over federal property and federal contracts under Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution. They are legislative courts that have no jurisdiction over citizens in the states unless these citizens are STUPID enough to give away all their rights and sovereignty by signing a government form under penalty of perjury that misrepresents their status.
Refuse to acknowledge the I.R.C. as "contract law" and "private law" and "special law" that only affects those who consent to be bound by it. Those who engage in a "trade or business" become privileged and subject to the contract. See Great IRS Hoax sections 5.4 through and 5.6.13.
Promote and exploit ignorance and the false presumption of the people, rather than try to educate or help them. Be a PREDATOR instead of a PROTECTOR.
Ignore the source of jurisdiction in each case he quotes. For instance, ignore the citizenship or "taxpayer" status of the litigant. This helps reinforce the false notion that ALL AMERICANS are "taxpayers", when in fact they aren't.
Print the first rumor that comes along so that people can never latch onto any substantive or truthful.
Ignore unpublished cases, which are the majority of cases and all of the cases where people won against the government.
Refuse to acknowledge or talk about the trend to make federal tax cases unpublished. Never mind that the federal judiciary is covering up their own wrongdoing in what amounts to obstruction of justice and conspiracy against rights in violation of 18 U.S.C. §241. Click here for details.
If you don't understand the arguments or they are too prejudicial to the government, then just call them "frivolous", which is the intellectually easy and lazy way and verbally abusive way to win any argument.
When any argument gets too close to the truth, personalize it by slandering the messenger to divert attention away from the facts and the law. That way you never have to admit that you heard the truth. That's EVIL.
Disregard the fact that the federal government has no jurisdiction inside states of the Union by default and that jurisdiction can only be conferred by a ceding of state jurisdiction under the authority of 40 U.S.C. §255. Yes, the federal government does have very limited subject matter jurisdiction within states of the Union for certain very specific things, like mail fraud and counterfeiting, but direct taxation is not an authority delegated to them under the Constitution. The only taxing authority they have inside states of the union is on foreign commerce under 1:8:3 of the Constitution. See Chapter 5 of our Great IRS Hoax for a very thorough explanation of why this is the case, which is unrebutted by anyone.
Since you know that everything you say is lies anyway, don't ever put your name on anything, and ignore the fact that the IRS does the same thing with their own publication called "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments". If it's not official and there is no formal author, then you can't be held liable for misrepresentation because no one can prove you wrote it. That's the key to what we call "plausible deniability" and its the only way to avoid having your license to practice law pulled if the lid ever blows on the huge Pozzi Scheme our government is pulling.
Ignore the definition of "person" used for the criminal provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, which means an officer of a federal corporation or partnership. See also Great IRS Hoax section 5.4.8 and 26 U.S.C. sections 6671(b) and 7343. Refuse to acknowledge the link between being engaged in a "trade or business" and the fact that those who are engaged in this taxable activity are all officers of the federal corporation called the United States government (see 28 U.S.C. §3002(15)(A))
Refuse to acknowledge the fact that there are no implementing regulations under Part of of the CFR authorizing any kind of enforcement actions on Americans living in the 50 states, which by the way are MANDATORY for all enforcement authority. See Great IRS Hoax sections 5.4.6, 5.4.7, and 15.11.17. Also refuse to acknowledge the fact that the only parties against whom the federal government can enforce absent implementing regulations published in the Federal Register are federal "employees", which exactly describes those who are engaged in a "trade or business". Click here for details.
Confuse people about the meaning of the word "includes". Make it into a "rubber word" that allows definitions to expand to fill any space at the whim of whatever judge is hearing the case. This provides a convenient vehicle to deceive people, to abuse Due Process, to deny justice, and transform our country from a society of laws (see Marbury v. Madison) into a society of men. It also provides a convenient way for judges and the IRS to violate the separation of powers doctrine and commit TREASON. Click here for details.
Ignore the massive conflicts of interest created by the corruption of our tax system. Click here for details:
When tax honesty advocates post anything in his Tax Protester Forum that he doesn't agree with or he can't argue with, deletes it from the forum rather than responding to it. The forum we started on the Quatloos website was locked so that no one could post to it, because he quite frankly doesn't want the truth getting out. He is a coward and a Communist!
Look at the IP addresses that protesters use when posting to the Quatloos forums and turn them over to the DOJ and IRS to become targets of persecution. AssKisser is a spy and a coward.
......THIS LIST GOES ON FOREVER. Click here to see more items to add to this infinite list.

AssKisser is deaf to nearly everything and everyone else. He worships the federal judiciary and probably hasn't cracked open a copy of the Internal Revenue Code or the Treasury Regulations in decades. His website features the most imbalanced and illogical view of federal taxation out there.

AssKisser also happens to be the most evasive person we've met in regards to debating tax honesty issues. We have written this fool on several occasions to determine whether he is capable of rational thought on the subject of taxation. We didn't contact him to ask questions or ask for legal advice, but only to ask him to rebut the overwhelming evidence of government wrongdoing right out of the government's own mouth as reflected in the following publications:

The Great IRS Hoax-book
Rebutted version of the IRS' "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments"
Rebutted version of the Congressional Research Report 97-59A entitled "Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Federal Income Tax".
Tax Deposition Questions-expanded version of the We the People Truth in Taxation Hearing
On each and every occasion, instead of sticking to the facts and issues addressed above, he simply returns our inquiry with insults, verbal abuse, and the frequent word "frivolous" without ever explaining why. Remember, the legal definition of the word "frivolous" is "without legal foundation or intended to harass". We were polite and logical and simply asked for a rebuttal, and we got insults back, because AssKisser knows he would blow up the whole tax system if he told the truth. If he rebutted even one issue in any of the above publications, then he would obligate himself to explain all the contradictions and illegalities he then introduces into all of the other facts in the same document, and so he doesn't dare respond to any of our materials. Never start an argument that you can't win, and never tangle with a legal opponent who has all the evidence.

AssKisser's sponsors in the Senate Finance Committee are just as evasive as he is. We've sent at least one polite letter to Mr. Grassley asking him to rebut our rebutted version of the Congressional Research Report 97-59A entitled "Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Federal Income Tax" and we got complete silence in return. That is what we call a "Fifth Amendment Response". Read the letter we wrote for yourself.

AssKisser's attitude certainly doesn't help anyone come to the truth of the matter, and we suspect he doesn't want Americans to know the truth, quite frankly. He is like every other lawyer in the tax profession: His main goal is to keep the Truth about taxation OUT of the courtroom and out of the hands of the American public. As long as confusion and uncertainty and fear prevail in federal courtrooms all over the country in regards to taxation, then the Feudal system of Taxation that we have can continue unabated, and maintaining the status quo on federal taxation is where most of his bread and butter comes from.

We wrote AssKisser several emails. Most recently, we asked him where he gets his funding. I'm sure you realize that lawyers don't work for free, and in most cases, they entered the profession so they could get rich quick. Here was the interchange:


Name: Mark

City: San Diego

State: CA

Country: US

Question: Since your site focuses on tax, trust, and money scams and is political in nature, its entirely appropriate as a nonprofit organization that you fully disclose where your contributions come from. This kind of full disclosure would bolster your credibility. I would like to donate but I refuse to do so without a full disclosure of your recipients and/or donating organizations. In particular, I would also like to know how much of the money comes either directly or indirectly from the following organizations:

1. The U.S. government

2. State governments

3. The American Bar Association

4. Trial lawyers.

5. Individuals not connected directly or indirectly with any of the above (as a percentage). I don't want to know individual names.




Sure! The percentage of funding we receive is below:

1. The U.S. government


2. State governments


3. The American Bar Association


4. Trial lawyers.


5. Individuals not connected directly or indirectly with any of the above (as a percentage).

100% (mostly from mug sales -- people love our mugs, but our caps are cool


Also, we are not a political group and do not advocate the election of any candidate of any party whatsoever.

Hope this helps!


He has only been selling mugs for about one of the last three years. How many of you believe that a tax lawyer, most of whom earn $300 or more per hour, is going to work basically for charity. And how many of you believe that the the very uncharitable things he says about tax honesty advocates have a charitable motive? Click here to read a few samples. We don't believe that his efforts are charitable in any sense of the word. Charitable causes don't trash people. We don't trash people, we criticize bad (sinful) behavior, but no people. We don't hate AssKisser, but we hate the evil that he does to people by misinforming them and by lying to them about what the tax laws say. AssKisser also contradicted his own words above in a posting on his Tax Protester's forum on July 28, 2003, in which he said:

I'm tempted to have the non-profit that sponsors Quatloos!, i.e., Financial and Tax Fraud Education Associates, Inc., apply for leave to join the suit as Amicus Curiae, and then immediately file a motion for Rule 11 sanctions against WTP and all involved. Those possibly interested in helping out with a such a lawsuit, contact me offline.

Wait a minute! First he says all his revenues come from coffee mugs, and then he turns around and says that he instead is sponsored by a nonprofit group. You can't have it both ways. Either coffee mugs or an external organization sponsor the costs, but he only mentioned one of the two so AssKisser must be a liar. Right after we posted this article, Mr. AssKisser trumped himself again in response to it. We found the above quote by searching his online forums using the "Search" button. Well, apparently when Mr. Askisser read this article, he responded by removing the "Search" button from his Tax Protester Forum to make it more difficult to find postings made by him that would further expose his fraudulent dealings! Click here and visit his tax protester forums and try to locate a "search" button for yourself if you don't believe us!

Below is how the Apostle Paul responded to people like AssKisser, which is consistent with how we view him:

“For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers [at the IRS], specially they of the circumcision:

Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses [and families], teaching [and saying] things [about the tax laws] which they ought not, for filthy lucre's [money’s] sake.

One of themselves, [even] a prophet of their own [Senator Grassley of the Senate Finance Committee], said, The Cretians [tax protesters are] always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.

This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them [IRS and government and AssKisser] sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

Not giving heed to Jewish fables [in this case, the Internal Revenue Manual or the IRS Publications], and commandments of men [their 800 telephone support service, that gives wrong advice over 60% of the time by the IRS’ own admission], that turn from the truth.

Unto the pure all things [are] pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving [is] nothing pure [the IRS and the Congress and AssKisser]; but even their mind and conscience is defiled [their conscience has been warped because they took a bribe [by being a consultant, in the case of AssKisser, in violation of Exodus 23:8].

They profess that they know God [and at least PRETEND that they love their brother and the people they serve]; but in [EVIL] works they deny [Him], being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.” [Titus 1:10-16, Bible, NKJV]
RobertMoore270@msn.comQNE EYED BASTERAD & BITCH ASSKISSERS --- The Quatloos Website is a FRAUD
Dave Champion thrashes Jay D. Adkisson on American Radio Show, March 6, 2004
Riser Adkisson LLP-law firm rung by Asskisser which focuses on asset protection
Fraudulent Transfers-Another website run by asskisser

Beware, tax honesty advocates! There is a lot of snake oil out there, and the most prominent source of anti-tax protester snake oil is the Quatloos website at This website is run by a verbally abusive and arrogant lawyer named Jay Adkisson. Below is the picture of him submitted by one of our readers:

That website has been around for at least the last three years and has been in existence ever since this website stood up. It has become famous for trashing absolutely EVERYONE who wants an accountable and law-abiding government so far as taxation is concerned. From now on, we will refer to Mr. Adkisson in this article as AssKisser (or Ass Kisser's Son, in its long rendition), and the favorite Asses he kisses and brown noses are those of the Senate Finance Committee and the Illegal Robbery Squad (IRS). We use the derogatory term "AssKisser" only because we think Divine Justice ought to operate on him, where he reaps exactly what he sows. His whole website slanders people so he, and only he, definitely ought to get a BIG dose of his own medicine. We don't, however, have to tell untruths in order to discredit him, because the truth about his misdeeds is more damaging than the kinds of deception and lies that he practices. If it's truth, it isn't slander, but simply "news". He is among the few people who deserve this kind of negative attention.

"God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.....

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil [and the Quatloos Website] walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devoir. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." [1 Peter 5:5-9, Bible, NKJV]

AssKisser has appeared at the Senate Finance Committee hearings several times over the past few years, held usually in April right around tax return time. These meetings have turned into a favorite method of tax terrorism of the American public by the greedy politicians, because they talk about shutting down people's free speech rights and tax honesty websites in violation of the First Amendment, and they like quoting statistics on all the people who have gone to jail for "not paying their fair share". Imagine that: Snake Oil salesmen in Congress trying to figure out a way to eliminate their competition!

AssKisser is the favorite fair-haired boy of Senator Charles Grassley, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee. Politicians love him up on Capital$ Hill because he's so gifted at propaganda, verbal abuse, and slander. You could search his website for days and not find a single reliable fact. The only thing he is interested in is:

Court rulings below the Supreme Court. He cherry-picks the few rulings that DIDN'T go unpublished and which favored the government and then says these are the "gospel", in spite of the fact that the IRS' own Internal Revenue Manual says in section that rulings below the Supreme Court cannot be cited as applying to more than the specific "taxpayer" in question.
Tax protesters who trash their fellow colleagues. Thurston Bell's website has been shut down for quite some time and Thurston himself has been discredited by AssKisser's own admission, but the AssKisser still loves quoting mainly Mr. Bell's criticisms of his other fellow tax honesty advocates.
AssKissers Method of Operation (MO) is as follows:

Quote irrelevant caselaw if it proves the point you want. Federal district and circuit courts only have jurisdiction over federal property and federal contracts under Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution. They are legislative courts that have no jurisdiction over citizens in the states unless these citizens are STUPID enough to give away all their rights and sovereignty by signing a government form under penalty of perjury that misrepresents their status.
Refuse to acknowledge the I.R.C. as "contract law" and "private law" and "special law" that only affects those who consent to be bound by it. Those who engage in a "trade or business" become privileged and subject to the contract. See Great IRS Hoax sections 5.4 through and 5.6.13.
Promote and exploit ignorance and the false presumption of the people, rather than try to educate or help them. Be a PREDATOR instead of a PROTECTOR.
Ignore the source of jurisdiction in each case he quotes. For instance, ignore the citizenship or "taxpayer" status of the litigant. This helps reinforce the false notion that ALL AMERICANS are "taxpayers", when in fact they aren't.
Print the first rumor that comes along so that people can never latch onto any substantive or truthful.
Ignore unpublished cases, which are the majority of cases and all of the cases where people won against the government.
Refuse to acknowledge or talk about the trend to make federal tax cases unpublished. Never mind that the federal judiciary is covering up their own wrongdoing in what amounts to obstruction of justice and conspiracy against rights in violation of 18 U.S.C. §241. Click here for details.
If you don't understand the arguments or they are too prejudicial to the government, then just call them "frivolous", which is the intellectually easy and lazy way and verbally abusive way to win any argument.
When any argument gets too close to the truth, personalize it by slandering the messenger to divert attention away from the facts and the law. That way you never have to admit that you heard the truth. That's EVIL.
Disregard the fact that the federal government has no jurisdiction inside states of the Union by default and that jurisdiction can only be conferred by a ceding of state jurisdiction under the authority of 40 U.S.C. §255. Yes, the federal government does have very limited subject matter jurisdiction within states of the Union for certain very specific things, like mail fraud and counterfeiting, but direct taxation is not an authority delegated to them under the Constitution. The only taxing authority they have inside states of the union is on foreign commerce under 1:8:3 of the Constitution. See Chapter 5 of our Great IRS Hoax for a very thorough explanation of why this is the case, which is unrebutted by anyone.
Since you know that everything you say is lies anyway, don't ever put your name on anything, and ignore the fact that the IRS does the same thing with their own publication called "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments". If it's not official and there is no formal author, then you can't be held liable for misrepresentation because no one can prove you wrote it. That's the key to what we call "plausible deniability" and its the only way to avoid having your license to practice law pulled if the lid ever blows on the huge Pozzi Scheme our government is pulling.
Ignore the definition of "person" used for the criminal provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, which means an officer of a federal corporation or partnership. See also Great IRS Hoax section 5.4.8 and 26 U.S.C. sections 6671(b) and 7343. Refuse to acknowledge the link between being engaged in a "trade or business" and the fact that those who are engaged in this taxable activity are all officers of the federal corporation called the United States government (see 28 U.S.C. §3002(15)(A))
Refuse to acknowledge the fact that there are no implementing regulations under Part of of the CFR authorizing any kind of enforcement actions on Americans living in the 50 states, which by the way are MANDATORY for all enforcement authority. See Great IRS Hoax sections 5.4.6, 5.4.7, and 15.11.17. Also refuse to acknowledge the fact that the only parties against whom the federal government can enforce absent implementing regulations published in the Federal Register are federal "employees", which exactly describes those who are engaged in a "trade or business". Click here for details.
Confuse people about the meaning of the word "includes". Make it into a "rubber word" that allows definitions to expand to fill any space at the whim of whatever judge is hearing the case. This provides a convenient vehicle to deceive people, to abuse Due Process, to deny justice, and transform our country from a society of laws (see Marbury v. Madison) into a society of men. It also provides a convenient way for judges and the IRS to violate the separation of powers doctrine and commit TREASON. Click here for details.
Ignore the massive conflicts of interest created by the corruption of our tax system. Click here for details:
When tax honesty advocates post anything in his Tax Protester Forum that he doesn't agree with or he can't argue with, deletes it from the forum rather than responding to it. The forum we started on the Quatloos website was locked so that no one could post to it, because he quite frankly doesn't want the truth getting out. He is a coward and a Communist!
Look at the IP addresses that protesters use when posting to the Quatloos forums and turn them over to the DOJ and IRS to become targets of persecution. AssKisser is a spy and a coward.
......THIS LIST GOES ON FOREVER. Click here to see more items to add to this infinite list.

AssKisser is deaf to nearly everything and everyone else. He worships the federal judiciary and probably hasn't cracked open a copy of the Internal Revenue Code or the Treasury Regulations in decades. His website features the most imbalanced and illogical view of federal taxation out there.

AssKisser also happens to be the most evasive person we've met in regards to debating tax honesty issues. We have written this fool on several occasions to determine whether he is capable of rational thought on the subject of taxation. We didn't contact him to ask questions or ask for legal advice, but only to ask him to rebut the overwhelming evidence of government wrongdoing right out of the government's own mouth as reflected in the following publications:

The Great IRS Hoax-book
Rebutted version of the IRS' "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments"
Rebutted version of the Congressional Research Report 97-59A entitled "Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Federal Income Tax".
Tax Deposition Questions-expanded version of the We the People Truth in Taxation Hearing
On each and every occasion, instead of sticking to the facts and issues addressed above, he simply returns our inquiry with insults, verbal abuse, and the frequent word "frivolous" without ever explaining why. Remember, the legal definition of the word "frivolous" is "without legal foundation or intended to harass". We were polite and logical and simply asked for a rebuttal, and we got insults back, because AssKisser knows he would blow up the whole tax system if he told the truth. If he rebutted even one issue in any of the above publications, then he would obligate himself to explain all the contradictions and illegalities he then introduces into all of the other facts in the same document, and so he doesn't dare respond to any of our materials. Never start an argument that you can't win, and never tangle with a legal opponent who has all the evidence.

AssKisser's sponsors in the Senate Finance Committee are just as evasive as he is. We've sent at least one polite letter to Mr. Grassley asking him to rebut our rebutted version of the Congressional Research Report 97-59A entitled "Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Federal Income Tax" and we got complete silence in return. That is what we call a "Fifth Amendment Response". Read the letter we wrote for yourself.

AssKisser's attitude certainly doesn't help anyone come to the truth of the matter, and we suspect he doesn't want Americans to know the truth, quite frankly. He is like every other lawyer in the tax profession: His main goal is to keep the Truth about taxation OUT of the courtroom and out of the hands of the American public. As long as confusion and uncertainty and fear prevail in federal courtrooms all over the country in regards to taxation, then the Feudal system of Taxation that we have can continue unabated, and maintaining the status quo on federal taxation is where most of his bread and butter comes from.

We wrote AssKisser several emails. Most recently, we asked him where he gets his funding. I'm sure you realize that lawyers don't work for free, and in most cases, they entered the profession so they could get rich quick. Here was the interchange:


Name: Mark

City: San Diego

State: CA

Country: US

Question: Since your site focuses on tax, trust, and money scams and is political in nature, its entirely appropriate as a nonprofit organization that you fully disclose where your contributions come from. This kind of full disclosure would bolster your credibility. I would like to donate but I refuse to do so without a full disclosure of your recipients and/or donating organizations. In particular, I would also like to know how much of the money comes either directly or indirectly from the following organizations:

1. The U.S. government

2. State governments

3. The American Bar Association

4. Trial lawyers.

5. Individuals not connected directly or indirectly with any of the above (as a percentage). I don't want to know individual names.




Sure! The percentage of funding we receive is below:

1. The U.S. government


2. State governments


3. The American Bar Association


4. Trial lawyers.


5. Individuals not connected directly or indirectly with any of the above (as a percentage).

100% (mostly from mug sales -- people love our mugs, but our caps are cool


Also, we are not a political group and do not advocate the election of any candidate of any party whatsoever.

Hope this helps!


He has only been selling mugs for about one of the last three years. How many of you believe that a tax lawyer, most of whom earn $300 or more per hour, is going to work basically for charity. And how many of you believe that the the very uncharitable things he says about tax honesty advocates have a charitable motive? Click here to read a few samples. We don't believe that his efforts are charitable in any sense of the word. Charitable causes don't trash people. We don't trash people, we criticize bad (sinful) behavior, but no people. We don't hate AssKisser, but we hate the evil that he does to people by misinforming them and by lying to them about what the tax laws say. AssKisser also contradicted his own words above in a posting on his Tax Protester's forum on July 28, 2003, in which he said:

I'm tempted to have the non-profit that sponsors Quatloos!, i.e., Financial and Tax Fraud Education Associates, Inc., apply for leave to join the suit as Amicus Curiae, and then immediately file a motion for Rule 11 sanctions against WTP and all involved. Those possibly interested in helping out with a such a lawsuit, contact me offline.

Wait a minute! First he says all his revenues come from coffee mugs, and then he turns around and says that he instead is sponsored by a nonprofit group. You can't have it both ways. Either coffee mugs or an external organization sponsor the costs, but he only mentioned one of the two so AssKisser must be a liar. Right after we posted this article, Mr. AssKisser trumped himself again in response to it. We found the above quote by searching his online forums using the "Search" button. Well, apparently when Mr. Askisser read this article, he responded by removing the "Search" button from his Tax Protester Forum to make it more difficult to find postings made by him that would further expose his fraudulent dealings! Click here and visit his tax protester forums and try to locate a "search" button for yourself if you don't believe us!

Below is how the Apostle Paul responded to people like AssKisser, which is consistent with how we view him:

“For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers [at the IRS], specially they of the circumcision:

Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses [and families], teaching [and saying] things [about the tax laws] which they ought not, for filthy lucre's [money’s] sake.

One of themselves, [even] a prophet of their own [Senator Grassley of the Senate Finance Committee], said, The Cretians [tax protesters are] always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.

This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them [IRS and government and AssKisser] sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

Not giving heed to Jewish fables [in this case, the Internal Revenue Manual or the IRS Publications], and commandments of men [their 800 telephone support service, that gives wrong advice over 60% of the time by the IRS’ own admission], that turn from the truth.

Unto the pure all things [are] pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving [is] nothing pure [the IRS and the Congress and AssKisser]; but even their mind and conscience is defiled [their conscience has been warped because they took a bribe [by being a consultant, in the case of AssKisser, in violation of Exodus 23:8].

They profess that they know God [and at least PRETEND that they love their brother and the people they serve]; but in [EVIL] works they deny [Him], being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.” [Titus 1:10-16, Bible, NKJV]
RobertMoore270@msn.comQNE EYED BASTERAD & BITCH ASSKISSERS --- The Quatloos Website is a FRAUD
Dave Champion thrashes Jay D. Adkisson on American Radio Show, March 6, 2004
Riser Adkisson LLP-law firm rung by Asskisser which focuses on asset protection
Fraudulent Transfers-Another website run by asskisser

Beware, tax honesty advocates! There is a lot of snake oil out there, and the most prominent source of anti-tax protester snake oil is the Quatloos website at This website is run by a verbally abusive and arrogant lawyer named Jay Adkisson. Below is the picture of him submitted by one of our readers:

That website has been around for at least the last three years and has been in existence ever since this website stood up. It has become famous for trashing absolutely EVERYONE who wants an accountable and law-abiding government so far as taxation is concerned. From now on, we will refer to Mr. Adkisson in this article as AssKisser (or Ass Kisser's Son, in its long rendition), and the favorite Asses he kisses and brown noses are those of the Senate Finance Committee and the Illegal Robbery Squad (IRS). We use the derogatory term "AssKisser" only because we think Divine Justice ought to operate on him, where he reaps exactly what he sows. His whole website slanders people so he, and only he, definitely ought to get a BIG dose of his own medicine. We don't, however, have to tell untruths in order to discredit him, because the truth about his misdeeds is more damaging than the kinds of deception and lies that he practices. If it's truth, it isn't slander, but simply "news". He is among the few people who deserve this kind of negative attention.

"God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.....

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil [and the Quatloos Website] walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devoir. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." [1 Peter 5:5-9, Bible, NKJV]

AssKisser has appeared at the Senate Finance Committee hearings several times over the past few years, held usually in April right around tax return time. These meetings have turned into a favorite method of tax terrorism of the American public by the greedy politicians, because they talk about shutting down people's free speech rights and tax honesty websites in violation of the First Amendment, and they like quoting statistics on all the people who have gone to jail for "not paying their fair share". Imagine that: Snake Oil salesmen in Congress trying to figure out a way to eliminate their competition!

AssKisser is the favorite fair-haired boy of Senator Charles Grassley, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee. Politicians love him up on Capital$ Hill because he's so gifted at propaganda, verbal abuse, and slander. You could search his website for days and not find a single reliable fact. The only thing he is interested in is:

Court rulings below the Supreme Court. He cherry-picks the few rulings that DIDN'T go unpublished and which favored the government and then says these are the "gospel", in spite of the fact that the IRS' own Internal Revenue Manual says in section that rulings below the Supreme Court cannot be cited as applying to more than the specific "taxpayer" in question.
Tax protesters who trash their fellow colleagues. Thurston Bell's website has been shut down for quite some time and Thurston himself has been discredited by AssKisser's own admission, but the AssKisser still loves quoting mainly Mr. Bell's criticisms of his other fellow tax honesty advocates.
AssKissers Method of Operation (MO) is as follows:

Quote irrelevant caselaw if it proves the point you want. Federal district and circuit courts only have jurisdiction over federal property and federal contracts under Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution. They are legislative courts that have no jurisdiction over citizens in the states unless these citizens are STUPID enough to give away all their rights and sovereignty by signing a government form under penalty of perjury that misrepresents their status.
Refuse to acknowledge the I.R.C. as "contract law" and "private law" and "special law" that only affects those who consent to be bound by it. Those who engage in a "trade or business" become privileged and subject to the contract. See Great IRS Hoax sections 5.4 through and 5.6.13.
Promote and exploit ignorance and the false presumption of the people, rather than try to educate or help them. Be a PREDATOR instead of a PROTECTOR.
Ignore the source of jurisdiction in each case he quotes. For instance, ignore the citizenship or "taxpayer" status of the litigant. This helps reinforce the false notion that ALL AMERICANS are "taxpayers", when in fact they aren't.
Print the first rumor that comes along so that people can never latch onto any substantive or truthful.
Ignore unpublished cases, which are the majority of cases and all of the cases where people won against the government.
Refuse to acknowledge or talk about the trend to make federal tax cases unpublished. Never mind that the federal judiciary is covering up their own wrongdoing in what amounts to obstruction of justice and conspiracy against rights in violation of 18 U.S.C. §241. Click here for details.
If you don't understand the arguments or they are too prejudicial to the government, then just call them "frivolous", which is the intellectually easy and lazy way and verbally abusive way to win any argument.
When any argument gets too close to the truth, personalize it by slandering the messenger to divert attention away from the facts and the law. That way you never have to admit that you heard the truth. That's EVIL.
Disregard the fact that the federal government has no jurisdiction inside states of the Union by default and that jurisdiction can only be conferred by a ceding of state jurisdiction under the authority of 40 U.S.C. §255. Yes, the federal government does have very limited subject matter jurisdiction within states of the Union for certain very specific things, like mail fraud and counterfeiting, but direct taxation is not an authority delegated to them under the Constitution. The only taxing authority they have inside states of the union is on foreign commerce under 1:8:3 of the Constitution. See Chapter 5 of our Great IRS Hoax for a very thorough explanation of why this is the case, which is unrebutted by anyone.
Since you know that everything you say is lies anyway, don't ever put your name on anything, and ignore the fact that the IRS does the same thing with their own publication called "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments". If it's not official and there is no formal author, then you can't be held liable for misrepresentation because no one can prove you wrote it. That's the key to what we call "plausible deniability" and its the only way to avoid having your license to practice law pulled if the lid ever blows on the huge Pozzi Scheme our government is pulling.
Ignore the definition of "person" used for the criminal provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, which means an officer of a federal corporation or partnership. See also Great IRS Hoax section 5.4.8 and 26 U.S.C. sections 6671(b) and 7343. Refuse to acknowledge the link between being engaged in a "trade or business" and the fact that those who are engaged in this taxable activity are all officers of the federal corporation called the United States government (see 28 U.S.C. §3002(15)(A))
Refuse to acknowledge the fact that there are no implementing regulations under Part of of the CFR authorizing any kind of enforcement actions on Americans living in the 50 states, which by the way are MANDATORY for all enforcement authority. See Great IRS Hoax sections 5.4.6, 5.4.7, and 15.11.17. Also refuse to acknowledge the fact that the only parties against whom the federal government can enforce absent implementing regulations published in the Federal Register are federal "employees", which exactly describes those who are engaged in a "trade or business". Click here for details.
Confuse people about the meaning of the word "includes". Make it into a "rubber word" that allows definitions to expand to fill any space at the whim of whatever judge is hearing the case. This provides a convenient vehicle to deceive people, to abuse Due Process, to deny justice, and transform our country from a society of laws (see Marbury v. Madison) into a society of men. It also provides a convenient way for judges and the IRS to violate the separation of powers doctrine and commit TREASON. Click here for details.
Ignore the massive conflicts of interest created by the corruption of our tax system. Click here for details:
When tax honesty advocates post anything in his Tax Protester Forum that he doesn't agree with or he can't argue with, deletes it from the forum rather than responding to it. The forum we started on the Quatloos website was locked so that no one could post to it, because he quite frankly doesn't want the truth getting out. He is a coward and a Communist!
Look at the IP addresses that protesters use when posting to the Quatloos forums and turn them over to the DOJ and IRS to become targets of persecution. AssKisser is a spy and a coward.
......THIS LIST GOES ON FOREVER. Click here to see more items to add to this infinite list.

AssKisser is deaf to nearly everything and everyone else. He worships the federal judiciary and probably hasn't cracked open a copy of the Internal Revenue Code or the Treasury Regulations in decades. His website features the most imbalanced and illogical view of federal taxation out there.

AssKisser also happens to be the most evasive person we've met in regards to debating tax honesty issues. We have written this fool on several occasions to determine whether he is capable of rational thought on the subject of taxation. We didn't contact him to ask questions or ask for legal advice, but only to ask him to rebut the overwhelming evidence of government wrongdoing right out of the government's own mouth as reflected in the following publications:

The Great IRS Hoax-book
Rebutted version of the IRS' "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments"
Rebutted version of the Congressional Research Report 97-59A entitled "Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Federal Income Tax".
Tax Deposition Questions-expanded version of the We the People Truth in Taxation Hearing
On each and every occasion, instead of sticking to the facts and issues addressed above, he simply returns our inquiry with insults, verbal abuse, and the frequent word "frivolous" without ever explaining why. Remember, the legal definition of the word "frivolous" is "without legal foundation or intended to harass". We were polite and logical and simply asked for a rebuttal, and we got insults back, because AssKisser knows he would blow up the whole tax system if he told the truth. If he rebutted even one issue in any of the above publications, then he would obligate himself to explain all the contradictions and illegalities he then introduces into all of the other facts in the same document, and so he doesn't dare respond to any of our materials. Never start an argument that you can't win, and never tangle with a legal opponent who has all the evidence.

AssKisser's sponsors in the Senate Finance Committee are just as evasive as he is. We've sent at least one polite letter to Mr. Grassley asking him to rebut our rebutted version of the Congressional Research Report 97-59A entitled "Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Federal Income Tax" and we got complete silence in return. That is what we call a "Fifth Amendment Response". Read the letter we wrote for yourself.

AssKisser's attitude certainly doesn't help anyone come to the truth of the matter, and we suspect he doesn't want Americans to know the truth, quite frankly. He is like every other lawyer in the tax profession: His main goal is to keep the Truth about taxation OUT of the courtroom and out of the hands of the American public. As long as confusion and uncertainty and fear prevail in federal courtrooms all over the country in regards to taxation, then the Feudal system of Taxation that we have can continue unabated, and maintaining the status quo on federal taxation is where most of his bread and butter comes from.

We wrote AssKisser several emails. Most recently, we asked him where he gets his funding. I'm sure you realize that lawyers don't work for free, and in most cases, they entered the profession so they could get rich quick. Here was the interchange:


Name: Mark

City: San Diego

State: CA

Country: US

Question: Since your site focuses on tax, trust, and money scams and is political in nature, its entirely appropriate as a nonprofit organization that you fully disclose where your contributions come from. This kind of full disclosure would bolster your credibility. I would like to donate but I refuse to do so without a full disclosure of your recipients and/or donating organizations. In particular, I would also like to know how much of the money comes either directly or indirectly from the following organizations:

1. The U.S. government

2. State governments

3. The American Bar Association

4. Trial lawyers.

5. Individuals not connected directly or indirectly with any of the above (as a percentage). I don't want to know individual names.




Sure! The percentage of funding we receive is below:

1. The U.S. government


2. State governments


3. The American Bar Association


4. Trial lawyers.


5. Individuals not connected directly or indirectly with any of the above (as a percentage).

100% (mostly from mug sales -- people love our mugs, but our caps are cool


Also, we are not a political group and do not advocate the election of any candidate of any party whatsoever.

Hope this helps!


He has only been selling mugs for about one of the last three years. How many of you believe that a tax lawyer, most of whom earn $300 or more per hour, is going to work basically for charity. And how many of you believe that the the very uncharitable things he says about tax honesty advocates have a charitable motive? Click here to read a few samples. We don't believe that his efforts are charitable in any sense of the word. Charitable causes don't trash people. We don't trash people, we criticize bad (sinful) behavior, but no people. We don't hate AssKisser, but we hate the evil that he does to people by misinforming them and by lying to them about what the tax laws say. AssKisser also contradicted his own words above in a posting on his Tax Protester's forum on July 28, 2003, in which he said:

I'm tempted to have the non-profit that sponsors Quatloos!, i.e., Financial and Tax Fraud Education Associates, Inc., apply for leave to join the suit as Amicus Curiae, and then immediately file a motion for Rule 11 sanctions against WTP and all involved. Those possibly interested in helping out with a such a lawsuit, contact me offline.

Wait a minute! First he says all his revenues come from coffee mugs, and then he turns around and says that he instead is sponsored by a nonprofit group. You can't have it both ways. Either coffee mugs or an external organization sponsor the costs, but he only mentioned one of the two so AssKisser must be a liar. Right after we posted this article, Mr. AssKisser trumped himself again in response to it. We found the above quote by searching his online forums using the "Search" button. Well, apparently when Mr. Askisser read this article, he responded by removing the "Search" button from his Tax Protester Forum to make it more difficult to find postings made by him that would further expose his fraudulent dealings! Click here and visit his tax protester forums and try to locate a "search" button for yourself if you don't believe us!

Below is how the Apostle Paul responded to people like AssKisser, which is consistent with how we view him:

“For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers [at the IRS], specially they of the circumcision:

Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses [and families], teaching [and saying] things [about the tax laws] which they ought not, for filthy lucre's [money’s] sake.

One of themselves, [even] a prophet of their own [Senator Grassley of the Senate Finance Committee], said, The Cretians [tax protesters are] always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.

This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them [IRS and government and AssKisser] sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

Not giving heed to Jewish fables [in this case, the Internal Revenue Manual or the IRS Publications], and commandments of men [their 800 telephone support service, that gives wrong advice over 60% of the time by the IRS’ own admission], that turn from the truth.

Unto the pure all things [are] pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving [is] nothing pure [the IRS and the Congress and AssKisser]; but even their mind and conscience is defiled [their conscience has been warped because they took a bribe [by being a consultant, in the case of AssKisser, in violation of Exodus 23:8].

They profess that they know God [and at least PRETEND that they love their brother and the people they serve]; but in [EVIL] works they deny [Him], being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.” [Titus 1:10-16, Bible, NKJV]
RobertMoore270@msn.comQNE EYED BASTERAD & BITCH ASSKISSERS --- The Quatloos Website is a FRAUD
Dave Champion thrashes Jay D. Adkisson on American Radio Show, March 6, 2004
Riser Adkisson LLP-law firm rung by Asskisser which focuses on asset protection
Fraudulent Transfers-Another website run by asskisser

Beware, tax honesty advocates! There is a lot of snake oil out there, and the most prominent source of anti-tax protester snake oil is the Quatloos website at This website is run by a verbally abusive and arrogant lawyer named Jay Adkisson. Below is the picture of him submitted by one of our readers:

That website has been around for at least the last three years and has been in existence ever since this website stood up. It has become famous for trashing absolutely EVERYONE who wants an accountable and law-abiding government so far as taxation is concerned. From now on, we will refer to Mr. Adkisson in this article as AssKisser (or Ass Kisser's Son, in its long rendition), and the favorite Asses he kisses and brown noses are those of the Senate Finance Committee and the Illegal Robbery Squad (IRS). We use the derogatory term "AssKisser" only because we think Divine Justice ought to operate on him, where he reaps exactly what he sows. His whole website slanders people so he, and only he, definitely ought to get a BIG dose of his own medicine. We don't, however, have to tell untruths in order to discredit him, because the truth about his misdeeds is more damaging than the kinds of deception and lies that he practices. If it's truth, it isn't slander, but simply "news". He is among the few people who deserve this kind of negative attention.

"God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.....

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil [and the Quatloos Website] walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devoir. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." [1 Peter 5:5-9, Bible, NKJV]

AssKisser has appeared at the Senate Finance Committee hearings several times over the past few years, held usually in April right around tax return time. These meetings have turned into a favorite method of tax terrorism of the American public by the greedy politicians, because they talk about shutting down people's free speech rights and tax honesty websites in violation of the First Amendment, and they like quoting statistics on all the people who have gone to jail for "not paying their fair share". Imagine that: Snake Oil salesmen in Congress trying to figure out a way to eliminate their competition!

AssKisser is the favorite fair-haired boy of Senator Charles Grassley, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee. Politicians love him up on Capital$ Hill because he's so gifted at propaganda, verbal abuse, and slander. You could search his website for days and not find a single reliable fact. The only thing he is interested in is:

Court rulings below the Supreme Court. He cherry-picks the few rulings that DIDN'T go unpublished and which favored the government and then says these are the "gospel", in spite of the fact that the IRS' own Internal Revenue Manual says in section that rulings below the Supreme Court cannot be cited as applying to more than the specific "taxpayer" in question.
Tax protesters who trash their fellow colleagues. Thurston Bell's website has been shut down for quite some time and Thurston himself has been discredited by AssKisser's own admission, but the AssKisser still loves quoting mainly Mr. Bell's criticisms of his other fellow tax honesty advocates.
AssKissers Method of Operation (MO) is as follows:

Quote irrelevant caselaw if it proves the point you want. Federal district and circuit courts only have jurisdiction over federal property and federal contracts under Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution. They are legislative courts that have no jurisdiction over citizens in the states unless these citizens are STUPID enough to give away all their rights and sovereignty by signing a government form under penalty of perjury that misrepresents their status.
Refuse to acknowledge the I.R.C. as "contract law" and "private law" and "special law" that only affects those who consent to be bound by it. Those who engage in a "trade or business" become privileged and subject to the contract. See Great IRS Hoax sections 5.4 through and 5.6.13.
Promote and exploit ignorance and the false presumption of the people, rather than try to educate or help them. Be a PREDATOR instead of a PROTECTOR.
Ignore the source of jurisdiction in each case he quotes. For instance, ignore the citizenship or "taxpayer" status of the litigant. This helps reinforce the false notion that ALL AMERICANS are "taxpayers", when in fact they aren't.
Print the first rumor that comes along so that people can never latch onto any substantive or truthful.
Ignore unpublished cases, which are the majority of cases and all of the cases where people won against the government.
Refuse to acknowledge or talk about the trend to make federal tax cases unpublished. Never mind that the federal judiciary is covering up their own wrongdoing in what amounts to obstruction of justice and conspiracy against rights in violation of 18 U.S.C. §241. Click here for details.
If you don't understand the arguments or they are too prejudicial to the government, then just call them "frivolous", which is the intellectually easy and lazy way and verbally abusive way to win any argument.
When any argument gets too close to the truth, personalize it by slandering the messenger to divert attention away from the facts and the law. That way you never have to admit that you heard the truth. That's EVIL.
Disregard the fact that the federal government has no jurisdiction inside states of the Union by default and that jurisdiction can only be conferred by a ceding of state jurisdiction under the authority of 40 U.S.C. §255. Yes, the federal government does have very limited subject matter jurisdiction within states of the Union for certain very specific things, like mail fraud and counterfeiting, but direct taxation is not an authority delegated to them under the Constitution. The only taxing authority they have inside states of the union is on foreign commerce under 1:8:3 of the Constitution. See Chapter 5 of our Great IRS Hoax for a very thorough explanation of why this is the case, which is unrebutted by anyone.
Since you know that everything you say is lies anyway, don't ever put your name on anything, and ignore the fact that the IRS does the same thing with their own publication called "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments". If it's not official and there is no formal author, then you can't be held liable for misrepresentation because no one can prove you wrote it. That's the key to what we call "plausible deniability" and its the only way to avoid having your license to practice law pulled if the lid ever blows on the huge Pozzi Scheme our government is pulling.
Ignore the definition of "person" used for the criminal provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, which means an officer of a federal corporation or partnership. See also Great IRS Hoax section 5.4.8 and 26 U.S.C. sections 6671(b) and 7343. Refuse to acknowledge the link between being engaged in a "trade or business" and the fact that those who are engaged in this taxable activity are all officers of the federal corporation called the United States government (see 28 U.S.C. §3002(15)(A))
Refuse to acknowledge the fact that there are no implementing regulations under Part of of the CFR authorizing any kind of enforcement actions on Americans living in the 50 states, which by the way are MANDATORY for all enforcement authority. See Great IRS Hoax sections 5.4.6, 5.4.7, and 15.11.17. Also refuse to acknowledge the fact that the only parties against whom the federal government can enforce absent implementing regulations published in the Federal Register are federal "employees", which exactly describes those who are engaged in a "trade or business". Click here for details.
Confuse people about the meaning of the word "includes". Make it into a "rubber word" that allows definitions to expand to fill any space at the whim of whatever judge is hearing the case. This provides a convenient vehicle to deceive people, to abuse Due Process, to deny justice, and transform our country from a society of laws (see Marbury v. Madison) into a society of men. It also provides a convenient way for judges and the IRS to violate the separation of powers doctrine and commit TREASON. Click here for details.
Ignore the massive conflicts of interest created by the corruption of our tax system. Click here for details:
When tax honesty advocates post anything in his Tax Protester Forum that he doesn't agree with or he can't argue with, deletes it from the forum rather than responding to it. The forum we started on the Quatloos website was locked so that no one could post to it, because he quite frankly doesn't want the truth getting out. He is a coward and a Communist!
Look at the IP addresses that protesters use when posting to the Quatloos forums and turn them over to the DOJ and IRS to become targets of persecution. AssKisser is a spy and a coward.
......THIS LIST GOES ON FOREVER. Click here to see more items to add to this infinite list.

AssKisser is deaf to nearly everything and everyone else. He worships the federal judiciary and probably hasn't cracked open a copy of the Internal Revenue Code or the Treasury Regulations in decades. His website features the most imbalanced and illogical view of federal taxation out there.

AssKisser also happens to be the most evasive person we've met in regards to debating tax honesty issues. We have written this fool on several occasions to determine whether he is capable of rational thought on the subject of taxation. We didn't contact him to ask questions or ask for legal advice, but only to ask him to rebut the overwhelming evidence of government wrongdoing right out of the government's own mouth as reflected in the following publications:

The Great IRS Hoax-book
Rebutted version of the IRS' "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments"
Rebutted version of the Congressional Research Report 97-59A entitled "Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Federal Income Tax".
Tax Deposition Questions-expanded version of the We the People Truth in Taxation Hearing
On each and every occasion, instead of sticking to the facts and issues addressed above, he simply returns our inquiry with insults, verbal abuse, and the frequent word "frivolous" without ever explaining why. Remember, the legal definition of the word "frivolous" is "without legal foundation or intended to harass". We were polite and logical and simply asked for a rebuttal, and we got insults back, because AssKisser knows he would blow up the whole tax system if he told the truth. If he rebutted even one issue in any of the above publications, then he would obligate himself to explain all the contradictions and illegalities he then introduces into all of the other facts in the same document, and so he doesn't dare respond to any of our materials. Never start an argument that you can't win, and never tangle with a legal opponent who has all the evidence.

AssKisser's sponsors in the Senate Finance Committee are just as evasive as he is. We've sent at least one polite letter to Mr. Grassley asking him to rebut our rebutted version of the Congressional Research Report 97-59A entitled "Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Federal Income Tax" and we got complete silence in return. That is what we call a "Fifth Amendment Response". Read the letter we wrote for yourself.

AssKisser's attitude certainly doesn't help anyone come to the truth of the matter, and we suspect he doesn't want Americans to know the truth, quite frankly. He is like every other lawyer in the tax profession: His main goal is to keep the Truth about taxation OUT of the courtroom and out of the hands of the American public. As long as confusion and uncertainty and fear prevail in federal courtrooms all over the country in regards to taxation, then the Feudal system of Taxation that we have can continue unabated, and maintaining the status quo on federal taxation is where most of his bread and butter comes from.

We wrote AssKisser several emails. Most recently, we asked him where he gets his funding. I'm sure you realize that lawyers don't work for free, and in most cases, they entered the profession so they could get rich quick. Here was the interchange:


Name: Mark

City: San Diego

State: CA

Country: US

Question: Since your site focuses on tax, trust, and money scams and is political in nature, its entirely appropriate as a nonprofit organization that you fully disclose where your contributions come from. This kind of full disclosure would bolster your credibility. I would like to donate but I refuse to do so without a full disclosure of your recipients and/or donating organizations. In particular, I would also like to know how much of the money comes either directly or indirectly from the following organizations:

1. The U.S. government

2. State governments

3. The American Bar Association

4. Trial lawyers.

5. Individuals not connected directly or indirectly with any of the above (as a percentage). I don't want to know individual names.




Sure! The percentage of funding we receive is below:

1. The U.S. government


2. State governments


3. The American Bar Association


4. Trial lawyers.


5. Individuals not connected directly or indirectly with any of the above (as a percentage).

100% (mostly from mug sales -- people love our mugs, but our caps are cool


Also, we are not a political group and do not advocate the election of any candidate of any party whatsoever.

Hope this helps!


He has only been selling mugs for about one of the last three years. How many of you believe that a tax lawyer, most of whom earn $300 or more per hour, is going to work basically for charity. And how many of you believe that the the very uncharitable things he says about tax honesty advocates have a charitable motive? Click here to read a few samples. We don't believe that his efforts are charitable in any sense of the word. Charitable causes don't trash people. We don't trash people, we criticize bad (sinful) behavior, but no people. We don't hate AssKisser, but we hate the evil that he does to people by misinforming them and by lying to them about what the tax laws say. AssKisser also contradicted his own words above in a posting on his Tax Protester's forum on July 28, 2003, in which he said:

I'm tempted to have the non-profit that sponsors Quatloos!, i.e., Financial and Tax Fraud Education Associates, Inc., apply for leave to join the suit as Amicus Curiae, and then immediately file a motion for Rule 11 sanctions against WTP and all involved. Those possibly interested in helping out with a such a lawsuit, contact me offline.

Wait a minute! First he says all his revenues come from coffee mugs, and then he turns around and says that he instead is sponsored by a nonprofit group. You can't have it both ways. Either coffee mugs or an external organization sponsor the costs, but he only mentioned one of the two so AssKisser must be a liar. Right after we posted this article, Mr. AssKisser trumped himself again in response to it. We found the above quote by searching his online forums using the "Search" button. Well, apparently when Mr. Askisser read this article, he responded by removing the "Search" button from his Tax Protester Forum to make it more difficult to find postings made by him that would further expose his fraudulent dealings! Click here and visit his tax protester forums and try to locate a "search" button for yourself if you don't believe us!

Below is how the Apostle Paul responded to people like AssKisser, which is consistent with how we view him:

“For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers [at the IRS], specially they of the circumcision:

Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses [and families], teaching [and saying] things [about the tax laws] which they ought not, for filthy lucre's [money’s] sake.

One of themselves, [even] a prophet of their own [Senator Grassley of the Senate Finance Committee], said, The Cretians [tax protesters are] always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.

This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them [IRS and government and AssKisser] sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

Not giving heed to Jewish fables [in this case, the Internal Revenue Manual or the IRS Publications], and commandments of men [their 800 telephone support service, that gives wrong advice over 60% of the time by the IRS’ own admission], that turn from the truth.

Unto the pure all things [are] pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving [is] nothing pure [the IRS and the Congress and AssKisser]; but even their mind and conscience is defiled [their conscience has been warped because they took a bribe [by being a consultant, in the case of AssKisser, in violation of Exodus 23:8].

They profess that they know God [and at least PRETEND that they love their brother and the people they serve]; but in [EVIL] works they deny [Him], being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.” [Titus 1:10-16, Bible, NKJV]