Wednesday, October 24, 2007

An Incendiary Other

The news that Fox is blaming the California wildfires on Al-Qaeda brings a few scattered thoughts to mind.

When I was a kid, I read a rather silly thriller called Goodbye California, in which terrorists planted atomic bombs along the San Andreas fault
in order to trigger a massive earthquake. If OBL - or whoever's walking around in his clothes and beard - knows what's good for him, he'll hint that AQ is looking into a similar arrangement, and that they've decided to practice by triggering mudslides with conventional explosives. A casual remark like this could generate plenty of valuable PR when the inevitable happens. ("Oh Noes!!! AQ iz in teh Wadati-Beni0ff z0nez, triggrin teh megakwakez!!!1")

Kidding aside, Mike Davis has eloquently described California's tendency to personalize natural disaster:

Anglo-Californians have always criminalized the problem of mountain wildfire. The majority have never accepted the natural role or inevitability of the chaparral fire cycle. (Conversely, there has been a persistent tendency to naturalize the strictly human causality of tenement fire.)
In another article, he elaborates:
The political, as distinct from scientific, discourse in each generation has been obsessed with the identification of an incendiary Other responsible for fire destruction.

In the early 20th century, this cruel-hearted and selfish man...was portrayed as an Indian, sheepherder or, most frequently, a tramp. During World War I, the Wobblies (Industrial Workers of the World) were believed to be lurking behind every burning bush in California. A decade later, major wildfires — like the 1930 Decker Canyon blaze — were usually blamed on itinerant farm workers, especially the Okies. A year after Pearl Harbor, on the other hand, FBI agents and National Guardsmen were combing Las Flores Canyon for clues to the identity of Axis saboteurs responsible for the 1942 Malibu fire.
The syndrome is older than that, of course. During the Gold Rush, fires in mining towns were habitually blamed on Chinese immigrants. In her interesting book Roaring Camp, Susan Lee Johnson gives a lurid example:
By the late 1850s, fire itself had become a metaphor for Chinese sexual commerce....[I]n 1857 and 1858, for example, costly conflagrations consumed parts of Columbia and Mariposa. In both cases, newspapers blamed the blazes on Chinese residents, claiming that the fires began in Chinese brothels. After Columbia's calamity, a correspondent telegraphed the San Joaquin Republican to report that the fire...was "caused by an opium smoker" at a house of prostitution.
And it may've been, for all I know, just as this or some future wildfire might be the fault of terrorists. But as Slavoj Zizek points out, pathological fantasies aren't any less pathological just because they turn out to be true. A Chinese man who causes a fire doesn't retroactively validate the feverish 3 a.m. presentiments of the bigots who just knew something like that would happen if those slant-eyed heathens were allowed to live among decent Christian folk. Those people would be crazy either way, just as the people who see AQ's hand in every bridge collapse and wildfire would be crazy even if AQ actually did blow up a bridge or start a wildfire.

Worrying about a serious problem doesn't automatically make you a serious person. The fact that the stateside scourges of Islamofascism can't accept this is what makes them such effective force multipliers for AQ. In their lust to be "proved fucking right," they've tied their credibility to that of the terrorists, and accordingly see every real or rumored disaster as another step along their personal Path to Glory.

(Illustration: "A Fresh Eruption of the Pacific Coast Vesuvius," from The Wasp: v. 8, Jan. - June 1882.)


Rmj said...

I've been wondering a slightly similar question.

NPR this week had a "drought expert" (the link is at my blog, in some post or other) who said Atlanta and environs were not really in "drought" conditions, but in a water use crisis. Basically, he said the rainfall of the past year or so would have gone unnoticed 20 years ago, because there were far fewer persons competing for the same resource. It's the competition for that resource, not Mother Nature, who is to blame.

Same with California: you build in an area that is prone to wildfire, you get burned up. Unless, of course, you pave over everything. Then you have to hope the water doesn't stop until it hits the ocean, but hey, it's always something....

Rmj said...

I should add, to make my comment more relevant: we look everywhere for the culprit, except in the mirror.

Alas. 'Twas ever thus.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...



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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

更新日期:2009/08/25 17:19

(中央社訊息服務20090825 16:19:17)大環境不景氣,工作難找,有不少人就想乾脆自己創業當老闆。為強化國內創業能量,五路財神開店總部於8月20日-9月20日舉辦「2009夢幻小餐車創業成果展」歡迎蒞臨參觀。針對國內一窩蜂創業加盟潮,餐車達人陳滌五總監提醒創業者,加盟不失為一條創業捷徑,但若選擇加盟,品牌知名度、產品獨特性及是否擁有差異化優勢就顯得格外重要。
近年來以成本低的小吃餐車最受創業者青睞。沒經驗的失業族 大部份都選擇餐車擺攤,最多人都想在創業市場闖出一片天。在台中成立的五路財神開店總部,小吃餐車用品牌方式來營運,總經理陳滌五用自己的經驗來現身說法。以國人創業首選的小吃餐車來說,如何在同質性高的市場中殺出重圍?雖然是路邊攤小餐車,營運上的重要撇步是關鍵;在企業經營戰略中,唯有領先核心競爭,保持差異化優勢才是生存之道。